

STEI won second prize in the ITB Web Unit Award. The award was awarded on February, 2018, at the ITB rectorate building, Tamansari. The socialization of the competition began in August 2017, and the assessment was conducted in October 2017. The philosophy of the implementation of this work unit web contest is not only to...
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In order to enrich themselves with advanced universities at the international level, ITB as an educational institution continues to encourage activities and programs to solidify its position among universities in the world. One of them in the field of research, community service, and innovation. Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM-ITB) organizes Poster Exhibition and...
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IT Practitioners and Information Security Expert ITB Budi Rahardjo criticized the government’s way of addressing negative content by blocking the site. According to Budi Rahardjo, the ways of blocking the site or from the upstream did not educate at all. “In fact people may be going to do the encryption, even hard monitored or monitored....
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In the recent years, the phenomenon of Bitcoin has been heavily discussed. The new digital currency is now worth up to tens, even hundreds of millions of rupiah. The growth of the Bitcoin exchange rate continues to skyrocket throughout 2017, and raises many predictions for the digital currency. Lecturer of STEI-ITB, Ir. Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc.,...
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un; We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. STEI lost one of his family members. One of the lecturers of STEI Electrical Engineering, Ir. Yudi Satria Gondokaryono, M.Sc, Ph.D, passed away at Saturday, December 23, 2017, at the Kidney Special Hospital Ny. R.A. Habibie Bandung. He was...
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On Saturday, November 18, 2017, held at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, Fortei organized workshop with the theme of Content Development of Machine and Power Electronics to Support the Development of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia. In this event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen, Professor of STEI-ITB, presented keynote speech. He delivered material...
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BANDUNG, – There is no easy struggle. Behind the triumphant victories looming in front of the public eye, there’s actually a mountain of failures that have been passed and dreams that never reached. After passing through the various fall-ups over the years, the Ainge ST team finally succeeded in reaching the 3rd and Best...
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On Friday, October 11, 2017, PT Siemens Indonesia officially handed over grant aid to STEI. The signing of grant handover is done at Faculty Lounge STEI, signed directly by the dean of STEI, Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng, and Gerald Quaas, Head of Business Unit of PT Siemens Indonesia. Grants provided are server units,...
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School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) held International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical (ICICI BME), with general theme “Science and Technology for A Better Life” on Monday – Tuesday (6-7 / 11/2017) at East Hall (Aula Timur) ITB, Jalan Ganesha, Bandung. ICICI BME...
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