Friday, October 28, 2022 at around 10.30 WIB, the loud rings of emergency alarm shocked people in the area of the buildings belonging to STEI ITB: Labtek V, Labtek VIII, laboratory buildings, including the KOICA Jatinangor Building. A moment later, there was an announcement: there had been an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 on...Read More
Jumat, tanggal 28 Oktober 2022 sekitar pukul 10.30 WIB, alarm tanda bahaya berbunyi nyaring di kawasan gedung-gedung milik STEI ITB: Labtek V, Labtek VIII, Gedung-gedung laboratorium, termasuk Gedung KOICA Jatinangor. Sejurus kemudian, muncul himbauan bahwa telah terjadi gempa bumi dengan magnitudo 6 Skala Richter (SR). Para penghuni yang tengah berkegiatan diminta tidak keluar gedung saat...Read More
The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB held a faculty graduation event for 155 SEEI graduates who graduated on Sunday, October 23, 2022, in the ITB East Hall (Aula Timur). This event was held a day after ITB held the ITB First Graduation Open Session for the 2022/2023 Academic Year for Doctoral, Masters, and...Read More
Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika ITB menyelenggarakan wisuda fakultas untuk 155 lulusan STEI yang diwisuda pada hari Minggu, 23 Oktober 2022, di Aula Timur ITB. Acara ini diadakan sehari setelah ITB menyelenggarakan Sidang Terbuka Wisuda Pertama ITB Tahun Akademik 2022/2023 untuk Program Doktor, Magister, dan Sarjana di Gedung Sasana Budaya Ganesa (Sabuga), Sabtu, 22 Oktober...Read More
Salah satu Universitas bergengsi di Amerika, Stanford University, mencantumkan nama Prof. Dr. Suwarno, M.T., sebagai Top 2% Ilmuwan Terbaik di daftar The World’s Top Scientist tahun 2022. STEI mengucapkan selamat serta hormat kepada Prof. Suwarno atas prestasi membanggakan ini. Prof. Dr. Suwarno, M.T., adalah Profesor KK Teknik Ketenagalistrikan yang telah berkarir di STEI ITB sejak...Read More
One of the prestigious universities in America, Stanford University, lists the name of Prof. Dr. Suwarno, M.T., as the Top 2% of Best Scientist on The World’s Top Scientist list for 2022. STEI congratulates and respects Prof. Suwarno for this proud achievement. Prof. Dr. Suwarno, M.T., is a Professor of Power Engineering Research Group who...Read More
The ITB Electric Bicycle Team had the opportunity to introduce innovative electric bicycle products to Dr. Ir. Pramono Anung Wibowo, M.M., Indonesian Cabinet Secretary. The team was received as guests at the Office of the Indonesian Cabinet Secretary, Wednesday, 19 October 2022. The electric bicycle is a form of industrial collaboration between the ITB Electric...Read More
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