

Five Bandung Institute of Technology students won achievements in the 2019 International Mathematics Competition (IMC) held at the American University of Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria on July 28 – August 3, 2019. They won two gold, two silver and one bronze medals. The gold medal was won by Farras Mohammad hibban Faddila (Informatics 2018) and Muhammad...
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Join us at the Open House for ITB Graduate Schools. March 30-31 2019, West Hall ITB (Aula Barat) Get information about STEI Graduate program (Master and Doctoral), and scholarship info.
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Join us at the Open House for ITB Graduate Schools. March 24-25 2018, West Hall ITB (Aula Barat) Get information about STEI Graduate program (Master and Doctoral), and scholarship info.
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BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Telecommunication sector is one of the sectors that are currently on the rise. Almost everyone involves his activities with a device to communicate remotely. Unfortunately, the development of the telecommunication sector is not balanced yet with the empowerment of Indonesian society, nor supported by the presence of adequate telecommunications infrastructure. Departing from...
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ITB held AOTULE Summer School Program 2017 , with STEI as the host. This year the event was being held for two weeks, starting from July 17, 2017 to July 29, 2017. This event was attended by ITB students and students from international campus who are members of AOTULE. The AOTULE participant is from 3...
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