Obituary of Ir. Yudi Satria Gondokaryono, M.Sc, Ph.D

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un; We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. STEI lost one of his family members. One of the lecturers of STEI Electrical Engineering, Ir. Yudi Satria Gondokaryono, M.Sc, Ph.D, passed away at Saturday, December 23, 2017, at the Kidney Special Hospital Ny. R.A. Habibie Bandung. He was 51 years old.

After studying undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering ITB, he continued his master and doctoral studies at New Mexico State University, USA. Started his career as a lecturer since the 90s, he taught various courses such as Computer Systems Architecture and Digital Systems.

During his lifetime, he published several scientific journals and publications. He was also served as chairman of the undergraduate program of electrical engineering as well as the head of the electro magister program. Finally, he served as DitSTI director.

In addition to teaching, he was also involved as a supervisor in research projects for community service. Some of them are Designed Bulog Logistics Distribution Logistics System in West Java (2015), High Resolution Position Control System for Focus Stacking on Macro Photography with Micro-stepping Stepper Motor and Magnet Based Sensor (2015), and Knowledge Process Modeling for Process Oriented Knowledge Management System Government Procurement Service (Case Study: Procurement Service Department of Depok City Government) (2015).

He survived by his wife, Dr. Ir. Rachmawati Wangsaputra, and two children: Radian Azhar Gondokaryono and Rakeiva Nadira Gondokaryono.

The big family of STEI ITB are deeply saddened by this news. Our heart goes out to his family during this difficult time. May memories of Mr. Yudi and the love of family surround his family and give strength in the days ahead.