November 23, 2017


BANDUNG, – There is no easy struggle. Behind the triumphant victories looming in front of the public eye, there’s actually a mountain of failures that have been passed and dreams that never reached. After passing through the various fall-ups over the years, the Ainge ST team finally succeeded in reaching the 3rd and Best...
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BANDUNG, – Tidak ada perjuangan yang mudah. Di balik kemenangan bertubi-tubi yang terpampang di depan mata publik, sebenarnya ada segunung kegagalan yang sudah dilewati dan mimpi yang tidak kunjung tercapai. Setelah melewati berbagai jatuh-bangun selama bertahun-tahun, akhirnya tim Ainge ST berhasil meraih Juara 3 sekaligus Best National di Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) –...
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