

One more winning for ITB, STEI, and Indonesia. Three STEI students became the first champion in Cyber South East Asia (SEA) Game 2017 held in Bangkok , Thailand on Wednesday (22/11/2017). The Indonesian team consisting of Muhamad Visat Sutarno (Informatics Engineering ITB 2013), Aufar Gilbran (Information Engineering ITB 2013), Jason Jeremy Iman (Information Engineering ITB...
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On Saturday, November 18, 2017, held at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, Fortei organized workshop with the theme of Content Development of Machine and Power Electronics to Support the Development of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia. In this event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen, Professor of STEI-ITB, presented keynote speech. He delivered material...
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BANDUNG, – There is no easy struggle. Behind the triumphant victories looming in front of the public eye, there’s actually a mountain of failures that have been passed and dreams that never reached. After passing through the various fall-ups over the years, the Ainge ST team finally succeeded in reaching the 3rd and Best...
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With unyielding effort to overcome boundaries, three students of ITB, Jehian Norman Saviero (Informatics/Computer Science 2015), Arno Alexander (Informatics/Computer Science 2015), and Pratamamia Agung (Informatics/Computer Science 2015), securing second place in Competitive Programming (CP) Competition at Technology Euphoria (Techphoria) 2017. The nationwide competition brings the theme of “Raising Smart Technology for Modern Era in Indonesia”,...
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On Friday, October 11, 2017, PT Siemens Indonesia officially handed over grant aid to STEI. The signing of grant handover is done at Faculty Lounge STEI, signed directly by the dean of STEI, Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng, and Gerald Quaas, Head of Business Unit of PT Siemens Indonesia. Grants provided are server units,...
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BANDUNG, ITB students are constantly raising sang saka merah putih in international competition. This time is achieved through the world-class programming competition IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 11.0 held by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE). In the competition held on Saturday-Sunday (14-15/10/2017), three STEI students who joined in Ainge ST team namely Luqman Arifin...
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School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) held International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical (ICICI BME), with general theme “Science and Technology for A Better Life” on Monday – Tuesday (6-7 / 11/2017) at East Hall (Aula Timur) ITB, Jalan Ganesha, Bandung. ICICI BME...
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BANDUNG, – Fire is one of the most common types of man-made disasters in Indonesia. It mostly caused by minor negligence such as ignored cigarette wastes, the use of electric current that exceeds the capacity causing electrical short circuit, not careful in the use of dangerous chemicals flammable, etc.. Truthfully, Fire is a human...
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BANDUNG, – Telecommunication sector is one of the sectors that are currently on the rise. Almost everyone involves his activities with a device to communicate remotely. Unfortunately, the development of the telecommunication sector is not balanced yet with the empowerment of Indonesian society, nor supported by the presence of adequate telecommunications infrastructure. Departing from...
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