

Join us at the Open House for ITB Graduate Schools. March 24-25 2018, West Hall ITB (Aula Barat) Get information about STEI Graduate program (Master and Doctoral), and scholarship info.
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2 teams from Information Technology System Study Program won ITFEST USU Business IT Case Competition. RNA team, whose members are Rizaldy Al Kautsar Utomo, Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri, and Nindy Aditya Dewi won first prize; while the Jatangsol team, which consisted of Alessandro Aria Wibowo, Ronaldo Matthew, Al Varrel Putra Kusuma won second place. Another team,...
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BANDUNG, – Equitable of development can grow the economy in various regions and corners of the country. Not only generate the trade sector, but also the industry and tourism. Development also affects the need for electrical energy, which actually increases over time. The geographical condition of Indonesia which consists of islands, more than 17...
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In general, measuring the volume of air entering the lungs and to be able to help detect the presence of respiratory diseases such as spirometer, only produce manual data that can not be accessed online. However, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) student who incorporated in the Silir Team successfully developed a digital spirometer, where...
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STEI won second prize in the ITB Web Unit Award. The award was awarded on February, 2018, at the ITB rectorate building, Tamansari. The socialization of the competition began in August 2017, and the assessment was conducted in October 2017. The philosophy of the implementation of this work unit web contest is not only to...
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In order to enrich themselves with advanced universities at the international level, ITB as an educational institution continues to encourage activities and programs to solidify its position among universities in the world. One of them in the field of research, community service, and innovation. Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM-ITB) organizes Poster Exhibition and...
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Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Bukalapak will build the largest research center in Bandung by the middle of this year. The research center would brew new technologies ranging from drone, blockchain, augmented reality (AR), to artificial intelligence (AI). CEO of Bukalapak Achmad Zaky revealed one of the reasons for the selection of Bandung as a research...
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IT Practitioners and Information Security Expert ITB Budi Rahardjo criticized the government’s way of addressing negative content by blocking the site. According to Budi Rahardjo, the ways of blocking the site or from the upstream did not educate at all. “In fact people may be going to do the encryption, even hard monitored or monitored....
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un; We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. STEI lost one of his family members. One of the lecturers of STEI Electrical Engineering, Ir. Yudi Satria Gondokaryono, M.Sc, Ph.D, passed away at Saturday, December 23, 2017, at the Kidney Special Hospital Ny. R.A. Habibie Bandung. He was...
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