November 7, 2022


On October 31, 2022, SEEI ITB received a visit from National Central University, Taiwan. The visit was intended as an exploration of cooperation. Both parties explained their research and general research topics that could be the basis for collaboration in the future. Two lecturers and researchers came as representatives to present their research projects. Dr....
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Tanggal 31 Oktober lalu, STEI menerima kunjungan dari National Central University, Taiwan. Kunjungan tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai penajajakan kerjasama. Kedua belah pihak saling menjabarkan penelitian dan topik-topik riset umum yang dapat menjadi dasar untuk berkolaborasi di masa depan. Dari perwakilan STEI hadir Dekanat STEI ITB beserta dosen yang menjabarkan hasil-hasil penelitiannya. Dr. Masayu Leylia Khodra, S.T.,...
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