

Two ITB students, Marchio Kevin Abdul Azis ( Electrical Engineering 2015) and Intan Nur Amanah (Product Design 2015), made achievements with the team from Chonbuk National University Korea, at the 2019 Global Capstone Design Fair: Engineering Education Festival (E2Festa), at the end Last November. In this event, both of them won the Excellence Award Winner...
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As an annual agenda, the ITB Education Open House will be held again in the West Hall and East Hall, on Saturdays and Sundays, 14-15 December 2019. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Every year, thousands of visitors always flock to ITB during the Open House, this year is no...
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Four 2016 STEI ITB Informatics Engineering students , namely Ahmad Fahmi Pratama, Joseph Salimin Putu, Gery Wahyu Nugraha, and Steven Sukma Limanus, who are members of the DKLetz team, won 1st place in the Microsoft Indonesia Hike-a-Thon competition. Microsoft Indonesia Hike-a-Thon is a hackathon event from Microsoft to gather ideas from technology enthusiasts. This event...
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ITB students, especially STEI, already know that Electrical Engineering Days (EE Days) is an annual event organized by the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program and the ITB Electrical Student Association (HME ITB). This is an exhibition of student final assignments filled with the latest technological innovations. As in 2018, EE Days were held on the...
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Five Bandung Institute of Technology students won achievements in the 2019 International Mathematics Competition (IMC) held at the American University of Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria on July 28 – August 3, 2019. They won two gold, two silver and one bronze medals. The gold medal was won by Farras Mohammad hibban Faddila (Informatics 2018) and Muhammad...
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  On Tuesday, August 13, 2019, STEI had the opportunity to introduce its majors to STEI new students for the academic year 2019-2020. This event was held as part of the orientation of new students in the 2019-2020 school year. In the event, the Dean of STEI-ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng, as the...
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BANDUNG, – The Bandung Institute of Technology student team created an application called Jepret. The application is useful as a complement and reformer of MSME data in Indonesia that operates by inviting the public to conduct a review and documentation of MSMEs in the vicinity. In the Jepret application, the user can see a...
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BANDUNG, – As the times change, communication technology is also growing. Today’s world, including Indonesia, is using 4G technology for communication activities. On the other hand, the world is developing a more sophisticated 5G technology. The emergence of this new technology must be truly prepared by Indonesia so that later it will not only...
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2 teams from Information Technology System Study Program won ITFEST USU Business IT Case Competition. RNA team, whose members are Rizaldy Al Kautsar Utomo, Atika Rahmawati Yuliantoputri, and Nindy Aditya Dewi won first prize; while the Jatangsol team, which consisted of Alessandro Aria Wibowo, Ronaldo Matthew, Al Varrel Putra Kusuma won second place. Another team,...
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