January 6, 2020


Two ITB students, Marchio Kevin Abdul Azis ( Electrical Engineering 2015) and Intan Nur Amanah (Product Design 2015), made achievements with the team from Chonbuk National University Korea, at the 2019 Global Capstone Design Fair: Engineering Education Festival (E2Festa), at the end Last November. In this event, both of them won the Excellence Award Winner...
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Dua mahasiswa ITB, Marchio Kevin Abdul Azis (Teknik Elektro 2015) dan Intan Nur Amanah (Desain Produk 2015), menorehkan prestasi bersama tim dari Chonbuk National University Korea, pada ajang Global Capstone Design Fair: Engineering Education Festival (E2Festa) 2019, pada akhir November lalu. Dalam ajang tersebut, keduanya meraih Excellence Award Winner atau setara dengan predikat Runner Up....
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