

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Equitable of development can grow the economy in various regions and corners of the country. Not only generate the trade sector, but also the industry and tourism. Development also affects the need for electrical energy, which actually increases over time. The geographical condition of Indonesia which consists of islands, more than 17...
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IT Practitioners and Information Security Expert ITB Budi Rahardjo criticized the government’s way of addressing negative content by blocking the site. According to Budi Rahardjo, the ways of blocking the site or from the upstream did not educate at all. “In fact people may be going to do the encryption, even hard monitored or monitored....
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In the recent years, the phenomenon of Bitcoin has been heavily discussed. The new digital currency is now worth up to tens, even hundreds of millions of rupiah. The growth of the Bitcoin exchange rate continues to skyrocket throughout 2017, and raises many predictions for the digital currency. Lecturer of STEI-ITB, Ir. Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc.,...
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un; We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. STEI lost one of his family members. One of the lecturers of STEI Electrical Engineering, Ir. Yudi Satria Gondokaryono, M.Sc, Ph.D, passed away at Saturday, December 23, 2017, at the Kidney Special Hospital Ny. R.A. Habibie Bandung. He was...
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On Saturday, November 18, 2017, held at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, Fortei organized workshop with the theme of Content Development of Machine and Power Electronics to Support the Development of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia. In this event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen, Professor of STEI-ITB, presented keynote speech. He delivered material...
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As an educational institution, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) holds a great responsibility to constantly develop research and study in various scientific disciplines for the advancement of science and technology. As a form of scientific and technological development, on Wednesday, October 18, 2017, the ITB Professor Forum held an Open Plenary Session of the...
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TRIBUNJABAR.CO.ID, BANDUNG- Within a year, a tower (tower) owned PLN’s transmission may be struck by lightning as many as tens of times. These accidents often disturbed PLN’s Transmission Towers, mainly because the existing protection system isn’t quite effective. Departing from the problem, Dr. Ir. Djoko Darwanto (Electrical Power Engineering Research Group), together with his team...
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After managed every little things for more than one semester, finally students of Telecommunication Engineering – STEI ITB 2013 cohort succeed to do excursion. This event was led by Laras Adhianti, managed by students in arranging and finding ways to fund the event, and also supported by the lecturers especially Mr Rifqy Hakimi as our...
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Dr. James C. Dennison delivered a guest lecture on the “Frequency Dependent Gain Model of the Operational Amplifier” at STEI ITB on 15 April 2016. The lecture was attended by several ITB Professors as well as the Electrical Engineering undergraduate students of EL3013 (Instrumentation Systems). His teaching approach addresses a pressing problem in engineering education;...
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