

As an educational institution, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) holds a great responsibility to constantly develop research and study in various scientific disciplines for the advancement of science and technology. As a form of scientific and technological development, on Wednesday, October 18, 2017, the ITB Professor Forum held an Open Plenary Session of the...
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BANDUNG, – Fire is one of the most common types of man-made disasters in Indonesia. It mostly caused by minor negligence such as ignored cigarette wastes, the use of electric current that exceeds the capacity causing electrical short circuit, not careful in the use of dangerous chemicals flammable, etc.. Truthfully, Fire is a human...
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BANDUNG, – Telecommunication sector is one of the sectors that are currently on the rise. Almost everyone involves his activities with a device to communicate remotely. Unfortunately, the development of the telecommunication sector is not balanced yet with the empowerment of Indonesian society, nor supported by the presence of adequate telecommunications infrastructure. Departing from...
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Thursday night, October 19, 2017, STEI held graduation ceremony for the period of October. The graduation ceremony was held in the west hall (aula barat). 200 STEI students from S1, S2 and S3 levels, officially graduated in this October graduation period. 44 students graduated with cum laude award. On this occasion also present representative from...
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TRIBUNJABAR.CO.ID, BANDUNG- Within a year, a tower (tower) owned PLN’s transmission may be struck by lightning as many as tens of times. These accidents often disturbed PLN’s Transmission Towers, mainly because the existing protection system isn’t quite effective. Departing from the problem, Dr. Ir. Djoko Darwanto (Electrical Power Engineering Research Group), together with his team...
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ITB held AOTULE Summer School Program 2017 , with STEI as the host. This year the event was being held for two weeks, starting from July 17, 2017 to July 29, 2017. This event was attended by ITB students and students from international campus who are members of AOTULE. The AOTULE participant is from 3...
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After managed every little things for more than one semester, finally students of Telecommunication Engineering – STEI ITB 2013 cohort succeed to do excursion. This event was led by Laras Adhianti, managed by students in arranging and finding ways to fund the event, and also supported by the lecturers especially Mr Rifqy Hakimi as our...
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Tingginya kasus kecelakaan saat berkendara di Indonesia menjadi sorotan oleh banyak pihak. Banyak diantara kasus-kasus kecelakaan terjadi akibat keteledoran dari pengendara yang kurang mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas. Selain itu, banyak pengendara motor saat ini kurang memperhatikan kondisi mereka saat berkendara. Padahal, aspek keamanan dan keselamatan dalam berkendara merupakan hal penting. Didasari hal ini, Faiz Anhar...
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Rabu 12 Desember 2013 diadakan Rapat Panitia Pemilihan Anggota Senat Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika di Ruang Rapat STEI. Bersamaan dengan selesai nya tugas anggota Senat STEI periode 2008-2013, Rapat Senat STEI memutuskan anggota Senat periode 2013-2018 adalah sebagai berikut: Anggota Tetap (Perwakilan KK): Prof. Dr. Ir. Adang Suwandi Ahmad (KK Elektronika) Prof. Dr. Ing....
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