

05/12/2022 Bandung; As the pandemic situation is getting better, it is common for offline activities involving the masses to be held again. Likewise, with the ITB Education Open House, which was held again offline for the first time since the pandemic. Two years ago, visitors had to be quite satisfied by visiting the stand virtually....
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The Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Research and Technology officially closed the National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK) on November 24, 2022. In the national talent competition which lasted 4 days in a hybrid manner, Institut Teknologi Bandung won four championship...
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The Savlite team, consists of M. Ali Novandhika (Electrical Engineering 2018), Priyo Bayu R. (Mechanical Engineering 2018), M. Maulana Ibrahim (Mechanical Engineering 2018), and Yahya Zakaria (Mechanical Engineering 2018) managed to bring home the Runner Up title at Think Efficiency 2022 “Powering The Nation”, organized by Shell Indonesia and Energy Academy Indonesia (ECADIN). They initiate...
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Friday, October 28, 2022 at around 10.30 WIB, the loud rings of emergency alarm shocked people in the area of ​​the buildings belonging to STEI ITB: Labtek V, Labtek VIII, laboratory buildings, including the KOICA Jatinangor Building. A moment later, there was an announcement: there had been an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 on...
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The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB held a faculty graduation event for 155 SEEI graduates who graduated on Sunday, October 23, 2022, in the ITB East Hall (Aula Timur). This event was held a day after ITB held the ITB First Graduation Open Session for the 2022/2023 Academic Year for Doctoral, Masters, and...
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This graduation ceremony took place on July 18, 2020. At the time of the event, there was a lot of enthusiasm from the family and friends of the graduates who congratulated them warmly and proudly. Opened by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and continued with congratulations from the Dean of STEI, Dr. Tutun Juhana ST.,...
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In September 2020, IEEE ITB Student Branch held the first webinar in the IEEETalk series of events. The webinar entitled “How Will Autonomous Vehicle Transform Our New Capital?” took place on Saturday, September 5, 2020, at 19.30-21.25 WIB through the ZOOM meeting platform which was attended by 278 participants, and also broadcast live on the...
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BANDUNG, – The Informatics Student Association (HMIF) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held the Arkavidia Informatics and IT Festival 6.0 at ITB on February 8-9 2020. With the theme Embracing Our Nation in Digital Transformation, this event consisted of several series of activities, namely competitions for high school students and university students, IT Festival,...
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STEI students keep innovating and striving by creating sophisticated and useful equipment in everyday life. Three ITB Electrical Engineering students succeeded in making a device to detect the condition of a car battery. The tool is named CbDiag. The three students are Bondan Ari Rahmawan, Charlie Tahar, and M Salman Galileo. This tool was made...
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