

There is a buzz of excitement at the ITB Campus with the arrival of the new Honeywell Controls lab. Hundreds of students and professors arrived at the university to see the latest in controls technologies utilized by refining, processing and manufacturing industries, which will inspire engineering students to take one giant step into the Industrial...
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The rising development of information technology and high internet penetration have increased the digitalization and technology usage across industry sectors. The flowing capital from VCs (Venture Capital) in Indonesia has taken the agenda even further by helping foster and grow high-quality local startup. This in turn influence the talent market, where today high-quality talents are...
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Dr. James C. Dennison delivered a guest lecture on the “Frequency Dependent Gain Model of the Operational Amplifier” at STEI ITB on 15 April 2016. The lecture was attended by several ITB Professors as well as the Electrical Engineering undergraduate students of EL3013 (Instrumentation Systems). His teaching approach addresses a pressing problem in engineering education;...
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Rabu 12 Desember 2013 diadakan Rapat Panitia Pemilihan Anggota Senat Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika di Ruang Rapat STEI. Bersamaan dengan selesai nya tugas anggota Senat STEI periode 2008-2013, Rapat Senat STEI memutuskan anggota Senat periode 2013-2018 adalah sebagai berikut: Anggota Tetap (Perwakilan KK): Prof. Dr. Ir. Adang Suwandi Ahmad (KK Elektronika) Prof. Dr. Ing....
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