Article and Opinion


  A quantum computing in Indonesia with remarkable economic development. Bandung Institute of Technology has a long history of contributing to the development of science and technology, not only in Indonesia but also around the world. There is also active exchange with Japan, including RIKEN, JICA, and many universities.   Q1. Since the middle of...
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STEI ITB lightning expert Reynaldo Zoro revealed how a lightning strike could burn Pertamina’s refineries such as in Balongan, Indramayu, at the end of March. According to him, a similar incident had occurred at another refinery, namely in Cilacap. “When grabbing an installation that has a fuel component, there happens to be oxygen, if there...
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“I just could not stay at home during the lockdown. I’d prefer to die standing up rather than die kneeling” Dr. Syarif Hidayat, M.T., the leader of Vent-I team. The advent of Vent-I came from challenges and threats posed by SARS-Cov2 outbreak in Indonesia, at the beginning of 2020, during which we were strongly encouraged...
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BANDUNG, – The Center for Artificial Intelligence at the Bandung Institute of Technology, through the Webinar Series held on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, explained its latest research on “AI for COVID-19 Detection Based on CT-SCAN and X-RAY.” Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono as Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI)...
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JAKARTA (Indotelko) – Quantum Communication Technology has the power to transform security in telecommunications networks around the world. Chief Executive Officer of SpeQtral Chune, Yang Lum explained that the new Quantum Communication technology, namely Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), is the safest method for distributing encryption keys as one of the important essences in a secure...
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BANDUNG, – In order to support more effective and efficient teaching and learning activities, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) created SmartEdu, which is an integrated computer-based examination system. This innovation is the result of collaboration between ITB, PT. INTI and Kemenristekdikti. SmartEdu was developed by Ir Adi Indrayanto MSc, PhD. , (KK Elektronika)...
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The geographical condition of Indonesia as an archipelagic country means that the need for satellites to meet the capacity of the telecommunications network is still quite high, especially since the Palapa Ring network that the government has built has only reached big cities. What’s more is that there are still many Palapa Ring backbone networks...
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STEI students keep innovating and striving by creating sophisticated and useful equipment in everyday life. Three ITB Electrical Engineering students succeeded in making a device to detect the condition of a car battery. The tool is named CbDiag. The three students are Bondan Ari Rahmawan, Charlie Tahar, and M Salman Galileo. This tool was made...
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