IMT “Signum” ITB Answers Telecommunication Challenges Through Telemotion 2017

BANDUNG, – Telecommunication sector is one of the sectors that are currently on the rise. Almost everyone involves his activities with a device to communicate remotely. Unfortunately, the development of the telecommunication sector is not balanced yet with the empowerment of Indonesian society, nor supported by the presence of adequate telecommunications infrastructure. Departing from the issue, the Telecommunication Student Association (IMT) “Signum” ITB presents its annual big work program, Telemotion 2017, which was held on Saturday-Sunday (14-15 / 10/17) in the West Hall of ITB (Aula Barat).

Telemotion which initially was an event to meet alumni of ITB Telecommunication Engineering, has become an event to introduce telecommunication to the general public through several series of events, namely Grand Seminar, Expo & Start Up Fair, and Innovation Challenge.

After thoroughly discussing telecommunications from a business point of view, Telemotion this year comes with the theme of “Main Strategy for Achieving Independent Telecommunication in Indonesia” through its seminars. From 12:30 to 16:30 pm, this seminar is filled by telecommunication sector stakeholders from the industry, operators and regulators such as Dr. Ir. Ismail MT, Director General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI); Ir. David Bangun, M. Eng, IPM, Digital Digital and Strategic Portfolio PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia; and Ir. Irawan Purwono, CEO of PT Nusantara Compnet Integrator.

As the culmination of Telemotion 2017, Grand Seminar focuses on telecommunication, the realization of today’s telecommunication technology, and the condition of the telecommunication industry in Indonesia today. One important thing being discussed is how to make Indonesian Telecommunication Industry fully independent, without being depended from foreign party. Not only providing insight and ideas in the field of telecommunications, this seminar also became one of the efforts in answering the challenges in the telecommunications industry and foster a culture sensitive to telecommunications issues for both students and the public.

Through its tagline, Connecting Ideas for Indonesia, Kurniawan (Telecommunications Engineering 2015), Chairman of Telemotion 2017, hopes that Telemotion can be a place for people who want to advance Indonesia, especially in telecommunication sector. “Hopefully, people know more about telecommunication engineering, and people can also expand their horizons about telecommunications,” he said.

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