Are you a career researcher or a prospective PhD student?

Deakin University and Kemenristekdikti invite you to an interactive workshop to learn about research opportunities at Deakin University, Australia. This is a chance for early career researchers or prospective PhD students to learn more about studying in Australia.

Hear from leading Deakin researchers and participate in group consultations. During the workshop you will also have the opportunity to:
· learn how to prepare for an IELTS test
· discuss your research ideas with academic staff from Deakin
· develop connections with potential Deakin supervisors
· receive advice on how you can develop your profile as a researcher
· learn new skills that will assist with developing a persuasive research proposal
· learn how your research could be published in international journals.

To be eligible to participate in the workshop, participants must demonstrate English language competency equivalent to an IELTS 5.5.


When: Thursday 3 May 2018, 8am-5pm
Where: The Luxton Hotel, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 18, Bandung

When: Friday 4 May 2018, 8am–5pm
Where: Hotel Santika Premiere, Jl. AIPDA K.S. Tubun No. 7, Slipi, Jakarta

for RSVP click here.