Fortei VII Workshop, PSeemRG and Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, held at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, Fortei organized workshop with the theme of Content Development of Machine and Power Electronics to Support the Development of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia.

In this event, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen, Professor of STEI-ITB, presented keynote speech. He delivered material on Dynamics of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics 1 and 2, and Electrical Transportation.

Fortei is a communication container for Higher Education of Electrical Engineering of Indonesia, for Strata 1 (Bachelor), Strata 2 (Magister), Strata 3 (Doctorate) and Diploma (Vocational) / Polytechnic. Members of this forum are Universities in Indonesia who have Electrical Engineering and Informatics Study Program. FORTEI was established in Bali in 2005 by 6 Head of Department of Electrical Engineering: ITB (Dr. Isnuwardianto, STEI ITB), UI (Dr. Rudy Setyabudi), UNDIP (Dr. Sudjadi, MT), UGM (Dr. Tumiran), ITS ( Dr. M. Ashari), and Udayana University (Dr. Ida Ayu Giriantari), with Dr. Isnuwardianto.

Main activities of FORTEI include:

  1. Aligning higher education Electrical Engineering in Indonesia covers the field of education, research, and technology applications.
  2. Discussing national topics related to Electrical Engineering science, concluding, giving inputs, and solutions to government and stakeholders.
  3. As a reference institution on higher education of Electrical Engineering.
  4. Improving cooperation and inter-institutional silaturrahim ties, officials of Programs / Department / Department, and researchers in Electrical Engineering.

The workshop was attended by 22 universities in Kopertis Region VII and other universities in Indonesia, among them; Brawijaya University, National Institute of Technology, Malang State Polytechnic, Malang Islamic University, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, PGRI Adibuana University, Malang State University, Army Polytechnic, Adhi Tama Technology Institute, Bhayangkara University, Hang Tuah University, Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo , University of Jember, University of Darul Ulum, University of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Trunojoyo Madura University, Diponegoro University, National Institute of Science and Technology, Pakuan Bogor University, Bengkulu University, Nusa Cendana University, Ambon State Polytechnic, Florida Institute of Technology.

Photos of the event could be seen here.
