STEI ITB and PT Indonesian Cloud Launched New Multi-Purpose Research Room

On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, STEI ITB and PT Indonesian Cloud officially signed a cooperation agreement. One of the rooms in STEI-ITB got a new touch thanks to CSR program from PT Indonesian Cloud. Previously, the facilities of this room has been fairly old and needs renovation. After the renovation, students can now use the room facilities better and comfortable to use.

Established in 2011, PT Indonesia Cloud is a cloud service provider (CSP) with an on-demand and dynamic system. Indonesian Cloud currently aims to be the most trusted and safest local Cloud service from Indonesia.

The multi-function room located on the 4th floor of Achmad Bakrie (Labtek VIII) building, STEI ITB, planned not only for students’ research needs. In the future, this room will also be used for the needs of the company TRGI group to conduct cooperation in the field of Education and Research Telematics.

The inauguration of the handover was done directly by the Dean of STEI, Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng, together with President Director of PT TRG Investama Group Mr. Bobby Rasyidin, who said that this CSR program is the initial phase of cooperation with ITB.
Hopefully this can be a form of sustainable cooperation and beneficial to the parties involved.

Photos by M Rian Noviansyah and PT Indonesian Cloud Facebook