Prof. Trio Adiono Reveals the Role of IoT in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia and the Birth of the Ardunesia Chip

On July 1, 2021 yesterday, STEI ITB held a webinar that was part of the commemoration of the 101st Year of Technical Higher Education in Indonesia. This event raised the topic of “IoT Design and Innovation” by presenting Prof. Trio Adiono, ST., MT., Ph.D., a Chair of the ITB Electronics KK who became a resource person. The event which lasted for 2 hours received a lot of attention and exciting discussions.

Prof. Trio Adiono explained, as is known, that we have now entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, or can be called a cyber-physical system. To illustrate this, an example is given in the form of a chair which is currently not only for ordinary seating but can be adjusted for all its functions by simply pressing the available buttons. In this era, the main sectors are in food & beverage, textile & clothing, automotive, chemical, and electronics

Then explained about IoT (Internet of Things) which is a technology by combining the cyber world with physical and social objects. From these three tools can be created that can see, hear, think, speak, and behave through a sensor. Examples of the use of IoT are widely used by drones, eFishery, robots, toll gates, and so on. Even in smart cities, this technology is used to find out the position and schedule of the bus, detect people passing by, smart campus, or smart school.

With the internet, everything can be connected and can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Then the cloud infrastructure which is stored on the internet is available 24 hours non-stop. In addition, there is also end-to-end where machines are controlled by machines not by humans anymore. These three things are the technology that makes the creation of IoT.

The value that IoT provides is the efficiency of making things easier at the push of a button. In addition, convenience, convenience, effectiveness, and increased productivity with fewer people, lower costs, and faster is also a value with the presence of IoT. Economically there is also an influence,

This is because there is a new business model and also provides a new market segmentation.

This event also explained the parameters of success in designing IoT. Among them is reliability, which is to provide services continuously. Mobility, i.e. equipment must be accessible anywhere. Availability must be accessible at any time. Scalability can be extended when there is already a lot of data or facilitate large amounts of data. Performance, Interoperability, Management, as well as security, and privacy are also part of this parameter.

In the IoT industry, there are several components, namely components that provide IoT, then there is ODM to make modules. In addition, there are also manufacturers who are tasked with making mass production, then system integrators related to hardware and software. Prof. Trio Adiono also explained that as someone who wants to enter the IoT industry, you don’t have to be in everything, this can happen with cooperation between various parties.

Prof. Tri Adiono also explained and presented Ardunesia products, a chip that is included in the medium class with a 32-bit processor and has a high speed. This Ardunesia has been tested and can be used for keypads, RFID, LCD, SPO2 Sensors, Temperature, Humidity, and so on.

It was also explained that the large share of IoT is in the health sector. IoT in this field functions for monitoring, intelligence algorithms, media data, technology (telemedicine), rapid diagnosis, treatment, administration, and billing costs. Examples of tools in the health sector that use IoT include XVENT XMV200 Frontliner, High Flow Nasal Cannula, Respinos, and so on.

At the end of the event, Prof. Trio Adiono explained a conclusion that in Indonesia itself, complete the industrial value chain ecosystem that was not yet available with the value chain industry 4.0 to increase the country’s competitiveness. Then, the emergence of the need for domestic IoT device manufacturers. With the existence of IoT, supports the growth of the Data Center or Cloud Storage business in Indonesia and also the emergence of startups with business models

The new digital era in the sharing economy. Furthermore, growing flexible manufacturing to improve efficiency and market needs are always changing.

“It is hoped that Indonesia can apply this technology (IoT) for the implementation of the industrial revolution 4.0,” said Prof. The Adiono trio.

(News written by: Rio Prawira Octavieri, Media Production Management at Padjadjaran University)