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Master Program of Electrical Engineering

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Master Program of Electrical Engineering

The Master's Program in Electrical Engineering is designed for bachelor's graduates in engineering or science who wish to earn a Master of Engineering (M.T.) degree in Electrical Engineering.

Master Program of Electrical Engineering includes the following sub-programs:

  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems
  • Computer Engineering Research Groups
  • Digital Media & Game Technology
  • Biomedical Engineering Research Groups
  • Microelectronics Engineering
  • Telecommunication Engineering
  • Telematics and Telecommunication Networks
  • Information Security Engineering and Management
  • Information Technology Services

Study Program Objectives

  1. Graduates will successfully build their careers by productively contributing in the field of electrical engineering or related fields.
  2. Graduates will conduct research or engage in lifelong learning in the field of electrical engineering and related fields, or pursue doctoral studies.
  3. Graduates will possess the professionalism to lead and actively participate in the competition within the industry, government, or education sector in the field of electrical engineering or related fields.

Graduate Outcomes of the Study Program

  • The ability to apply knowledge in the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering.
  • The ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze, and interpret data.
  • The ability to design systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs within real-world constraints such as economics, environment, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturing, and sustainability.
  • The ability to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams.
  • The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  • Understanding of professional responsibilities and ethics.
  • The ability to communicate effectively.
  • A broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental, and societal context.
  • Awareness of the need for, and the ability to engage in, lifelong learning.
  • Knowledge of current issues.
  • The ability to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and tools necessary for engineering practices.
  • The ability to conduct research with a systematic approach, possess a critical attitude, and have a deep understanding of science and technology in the field of electrical engineering.
  • Demonstrating the ability to apply knowledge at the master's level in specialized areas of electrical engineering related to the chosen program.
Compulsory Courses
Master Program of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Power Engineering

Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Computer Engineering Research Groups

Teknologi Media & Media Digital

Biomedical Engineering Research Groups

Microelectronics Engineering

Telecommunication Engineering

Telematics and Telecommunication Networks

Information Security Engineering and Management

Information Technology Services

Elective Courses
Electrical Power Engineering Option

Telecommunication Engineering Option

Telematics and Telecommunication Networks Option

Computer Engineering Option

Microelectronics Engineering Option

Biomedical Engineering Option

Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems Option

Digital Media and Game Technology Option

Engineering and Management of Information Security Technology Option

Information Technology Services Option

Registration and Selection of New Students

  1. General requirements can be found at the following address: https://admission.itb.ac.id/home/
  2. Additional requirements: At the time of online registration, all prospective students must have passed the ELPT/TOEFL and TPA scores set by ITB.
    • ITB ELPT score ≥ 77 or TOEFL ITP score ≥ 475
    • Bappenas TPA score ≥ 475.
  3. Rules and Regulations for the Written Selection of the Master's Program in Electrical Engineering

If you have any questions regarding this program, you can contact:
Sdr. Dede Bagja S
e-mail: master.ee@office.itb.ac.id
telp: 022-2508135

  • Graduates of the Bachelor's (S1) or Diploma 4 (D4) Program from accredited higher education institutions or those recognized in related fields of study.

Applicants for the ITB Master's Program must meet the following requirements:

  • Pass the selection process for the requirements and academic abilities conducted by the intended study program.
  • Settle the payment for the ITB Graduate Student Selection process.
Specific Requirements

Prospective students of the Master's Program in Electrical Engineering, STEI – ITB, must be graduates of the Bachelor's (S1) or D4 program in the fields of Science and Engineering from accredited or recognized higher education institutions, both domestic and international.

New Student Admission Consultation Services

For prospective graduate students and non-regular students who wish to consult about the new student admission administration at ITB, consultations can be made via Zoom, according to the information provided in the following link.


Consultation schedule: Tuesday and Thursday from 13:30 to 14:30 WIB.

Original Bappenas TPA certificate or the ITB Academic Potential Test (UPDA) results. The minimum required score for Bappenas TPA/UPDA ITB is 475.

  • In the new student admission process for the ITB Graduate Program in Semester I, 2023/2024, all prospective selection participants are advised to take the Academic Potential Test (UPDA)/TPA organized by ITB.
  • Prospective students of the ITB Graduate Program who already have a valid Bappenas TPA certificate may use that certificate. ITB only accepts Bappenas TPA certificates that are sent directly from the official TPA Bappenas organizing institution to ITB.
  • Prospective participants of the ITB Academic Potential Test (UPDA) can register on the website: https://rupda.itb.ac.id/ using an active email address and the graduate program selection number from ITB.

Original English language proficiency certificate, in the form of:

  • TOEFL iBT (recognized by ets.org) with a minimum score of 56, or
  • TOEFL ITP (recognized by ets.org) with a minimum score of 475, or
  • TOEIC (recognized by ets.org) with a minimum score of 500, or
  • IELTS (recognized by ielts.org) with a minimum score of 5, or
  • ITB ELPT with a minimum score of 77.
  • In the new student admission process for the ITB Graduate Program in Semester I, 2023/2024, all prospective selection participants are advised to take the English Language Proficiency Test (TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB) organized by ITB.
  • Prospective students of the ITB Graduate Program who already have a valid TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB certificate may use that certificate. ITB only accepts TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB certificates that are sent directly from the official test organizing institution for TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB and/or Bappenas TPA to ITB.
  • Prospective participants of the English Language Proficiency Test can register on the website: https://psdm.itb.ac.id/.