Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is one of the most significant engineering fields that has driven the evolution of human life in recent centuries.

Undergraduate Program in Electrical Power Engineering
The Electrical Power Engineering Study Program provides education in the fields of generation, delivery, and use of electrical energy.

Undergraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is a multi/trans-disciplinary engineering engineering approach that aims to bridge the traditional disciplines of engineering, biology, and medicine.

Undergraduate Program in Informatics
The Informatics Study Program provides education in the areas of theoretical foundations of information and computing as well as practical techniques for their application in computer systems.

Undergraduate Program in Information System and Technology
The Information Technology Systems study program was developed to anticipate the rapid development of phenomena, problems, needs, and side effects of information systems on organizations and society, based on the development of information technology.

Undergraduate Program in Telecommunication Engineering
The Telecommunication Engineering Study Program is an interdisciplinary program, which requires a combination of knowledge covering the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Economics, and Policy, in addition to the basic sciences of science and mathematics as the basis of engineering science .