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Undergraduate Program in Telecommunication Engineering

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Undergraduate Program in Telecommunication Engineering

The Bachelor’s Program in Telecommunications Engineering (ET) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) began in 1950 as one of the engineering departments within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia. In March 1959, the Indonesian government decided to separate the Faculty of Engineering from the University of Indonesia, renaming it the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and assigned it to offer Indonesia’s first higher education program in engineering. From 1959 to 1973, Telecommunications Engineering was one of the engineering departments under the Division of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at ITB. From 1973 to 2005, Telecommunications Engineering was one of the specializations under the Electrical Engineering program in the Faculty of Industrial Technology. Since January 2006, Telecommunications Engineering has become one of five specializations under the Electrical Engineering program in the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI). In response to societal and industrial needs, in December 2008, the Telecommunications Engineering Program was officially approved by ITB as one of five programs under STEI. The first cohort of graduates completed their studies in April 2009. As of today, the ET program has approximately 402 alumni working across the country and many of them are employed internationally around the world.

The telecommunications sector has rapidly developed over the past three decades. The next decade is expected to see even faster growth, particularly in areas such as wireless telecommunications, convergence between telecommunications and computers, and the demand for new services driven by the growth of the Internet. This acceleration is mainly due to advancements in component and computer technology. Additionally, these changes are supported by the pressing market demands driven by globalization. On a global scale, telecommunications infrastructure will become the "nervous system" of economic globalization. In the national context, telecommunications and its application systems will become key technologies in improving efficiency, productivity, and national competitiveness.

Untuk mengantisipasi fenomena pesatnya perkembangan bidang telekomunikasi tersebut, aspek yang paling signifikan dan perlu diprioritaskan oleh perguruan tinggi terkemuka seperti ITB adalah menyiapkan SDM sebagai pelaku dan pendukungnya. Penyiapan sumber daya manusia tersebut perlu dikaji dari aspek jumlah yang memadai dan kualitas yang unggul.

Dengan perkembangan bidang telekomunikasi yang sangat cepat, maka industri dan permintaan jasa telekomunikasi akan berkembang pesat sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman informasi. Untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan tersebut, perlu dipersiapkan tenaga SDM yang cukup, baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya yang memenuhi suatu standar kompetensi yang diakui.

Dalam mengembangkan dan merencanakan kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi, maka visi dan misi Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi ditetapkan dengan mengacu pada visi dan misi ITB dan STEI, sehingga bisa ditentukan kualifikasi dan kompetensi lulusan yang akan dihasilkan.

Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi adalah program interdisipliner, yang membutuhkan perpaduan antara pengetahuan yang mencakup bidang Teknik Elektro, Ilmu Komputer, Manajemen, Ekonomi, dan Kebijakan, selain ilmu-ilmu dasar sains dan matematika sebagai dasar dari ilmu rekayasa (teknik).

Mahasiswa dalam program ini diberikan kesempatan untuk belajar dan memperluas kemampuan mereka dalam analisis dan menyelesaikan masalah dalam bidang teknik telekomunikasi. Mereka juga siap dan mampu untuk merancang implementasi teknologi baru agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini.

Program ini memberikan siswa pengelaman pendidikan terpadu yang diarahkan pada pemahaman dalam menerapkan pengetahuan dan teknik, serta meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam mengidentifikasi dan menemukan solusi efektif dan efisien untuk masalah-masalah praktis dalam bidang teknik telekomunikasi.

Program ini memastikan bahwa kemampuan dan pengalaman siswa dalam desain dan analisis dapat dicapai dengan memberikan pendidikan praktik dan laboratorium secara sekuential dan terintegrasi, yang diuraikan di dalam kurikulum.

Tujuan Program Studi

Program studi Telekomunikasi bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan Sarjana Telekomunikasi yang memiliki kemampuan berikut :

  1. Lulusan akan memiliki karir yang sukses dalam profesinya di bidang teknik telekomunikasi atau bidang yang terkait.
  2. Lulusan akan berhasil menempuh studi pascasarjana atau terlibat dalam pengembangan
  3. Graduates will demonstrate leadership and play an active role in advancing their communities.

Capaian pembelajaran program studi Telekomunikasi pada saat mahasiswa dinyatakan lulus adalah:

  • Kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi, merumuskan, dan memecahkan masalah rekayasa yang kompleks dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip rekayasa, sains, dan matematika
  • Kemampuan untuk menerapkan desain teknik untuk menghasilkan solusi yang mempertimbangkan kesehatan masyarakat, keselamatan, dan kesejahteraan, serta faktor global, budaya, sosial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi
  • Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dihadapan pemirsa yang beragam
  • Kemampuan untuk bertanggung jawab secara etis dan profesional dalam masalah rekayasa dan mampu membuat penilaian berdasarkan informasi dengan mempertimbangkan dampak dari solusi teknik dalam konteks global, ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial
  • Kemampuan untuk berperan secara efektif dalam tim yang di dalamnya diasah sifat kepemimpinan, menciptakan lingkungan yang kolaboratif dan inklusif, menetapkan sasaran, merencanakan tugas, dan mencapai tujuan
  • Kemampuan untuk mengembangkan dan melakukan eksperimen yang sesuai, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data, dan menggunakan penilaian rekayasa untuk menarik kesimpulan
  • Kemampuan untuk memperoleh dan menerapkan pengetahuan baru yang dibutuhkan, menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat

Persyaratan kelulusan

Siswa ET harus memenuhi persyaratan kelulusan di ITB, yaitu :

  1. Menyelesaikan semua mata kuliah yang tercantum dalam kurikulum program, tidak ada nilai E dan T pada Tingkat Persiapan Bersama (Tahun 1), tidak ada nilai D, E dan T pada tingkat sarjana (Tahun 2,3 dan 4); dan IPK ≥ 2,00
  2. Menyelesaikan semua persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh program, seperti pembimbing telah menyetujui tugas akhir sarjana, kerja praktek dan tugas lainnya.
  3. Telah dinyatakan berhasil menyelesaikan studinya oleh fakultas/sekolah yang bersangkutan dan secara resmi telah dilaporkan kepada Direktur Pendidikan ITB

Syarat kelulusan Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi (ET):

1. Kursus wajib 126 jam kredit yang terdiri dari :

  • Jam kredit Common Preparatory Level 36
  • Program Program 86 jam kredit
  • Mata kuliah wajib ITB 4 ​​SKS

2. Mata kuliah pilihan minimal 19 SKS yang terdiri dari :

  • Mata kuliah pilihan dalam program minimal 12 jam kredit
  • Mata kuliah pilihan (eksternal) minimal 4 SKS
  • Mata kuliah pilihan wajib ITB 4 ​​SKS

3. Harus menyelesaikan minimal 145 jam kredit


Mata Kuliah Wajib

Semester 1 Semester 2
1 MA1101 Mathematics IA 4 1 MA1201 Mathematics IIA 4
2 FI1101 Elementary Physics IA 4 2 FI1201 Elementary Physics IIA 4
3 KI1102 General Chemistry IB 2 3 KI1202 General Chemistry IIB 2
4 KU1101 Introduction to Engineering and Design I 2 4 KU1201 Introduction to Engineering and Design II 2
5 KU1072 Introduction to Information Technology B 2 5 KU1011 Indonesian Language: Scientific Writing 2
6 KU102X English 2 6 EL1200 Introduction to Circuit Analysis 2
7 KU1001 Sports 2 7 IF1210 Programming Fundamentals 2
Total = 18 Credits Total = 18 Credits
Total First Year Credits = 36 Credits


Third Semester
Fourth Semester
1 MA2072 Engineering Mathematics I 3 1 MA2074 Engineering Mathematics II 3
2 ET2001 Discrete Mathematics 3 2 ET2000 Electromagnetics I 3
3 ET2003 Electric Circuit 3 3 ET2002 Probability & Statistics 3
4 ET2005 Digital System Design 3 4 ET2004 Continuous Time Signal Processing 3
5 ET2007 Programming 3 5 ET2006 Communication Electronics 3
6 ET2100 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 1 1 6 ET2008 Embedded System 3
7 KU206X Religion and Ethics 2 7 ET2200 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 2 1
Total = 18 Credits Total = 19 Credits
Total Second Year Credits = 37 SKS


Fifth Semester
Sixth Semester
1 ET3000 Electromagnetics II 3 1 ET3002 Digital Communications 3
2 ET3001 Analog and Digital Communications Systems 3 2 ET3006 Radio Frequency Electronics 3
3 ET3003 Computer Networks 3 3 ET3007 Antenna & Radio Wave Propagation 3
4 ET3004 Telecommunication Traffic Engineering 3 4 ET3008 Optical Communication Systems 3
5 ET3005 Discrete Time Signal Processing 3 5 ET3010 Connected Services & Cloud Computing 3
6 ET3009 Software Engineering 3 6 ET3200 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 4 1
7 ET3100 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 3 1 7 KU2071 Pancasila and Civic Education 2
Total = 19 Credits Total = 18 Credits
Total Third Year Credits = 37 Credits


Seventh Semester
Eighth Semester
1 ET4001 Final Work I & Seminar 2 1 ET4002 Final Works II 4
2 ET4003 Selected Topics in Telecommunication 2 2 ET4000 Industrial Placement 2
3 ET4041 Multimedia Communication Systems 3 3 XXLING Environment Electives 2
4 ET4061 Wireless Access Networks 3
5 XXMANJ Management Electives 2
Total = 12 Credits
Total = 8 Credits
Total Fourth Year Credits = 20 SKS


No Electives Credits
1 Major Electives 12
2 Non Major Electives 3
3 Free Electives 0
Total Credits= 145 Credits
Major Electives
1 ET4004 Development of Profession / Community  A 2
2 ET4005 Development of Profession / Community  B 3
3 ET4006 Development of Profession / Community  C 4
4 ET4040 Telecommunication Economy, Business, Regulation and Policy 3
5 ET4042 Non-Linear Optical Communication Systems 3
6 ET4044 Mobile Telecommunication Device Programming 3
7 ET4045 Telecommunication Network Security 3
8 ET4056 Advanced Radio Frequency Electronics 3
9 ET4058 Radar and Navigation Systems 3
10 ET4059 Radar Signal Processing 3
11 ET4064 Satellite & Terrestrial Communication Systems 3
12 ET4065 Broadcasting Systems 3
13 ET4066 Telemetry Systems 3
14 ET4067 VLSI Systems for Digital Communications 3
15 ET4141 Enterprise Resource Planning 3
16 ET4144 Telecommunication Networks Management 3
17 ET4160 Telecommunication Project Management 3
18 ET4242 Advanced IP Technology 3
19 ET4243 Queuing Networks 3
Non Major Electives
1 AS2005 Astronomy and Environment 2
2 BI2001 General Environmental Science 2
3 DI4102 Interior Design Project Management 2
4 DI4208 Art, Design & Environment 3
5 DP3204 Design Management 2
6 EP3071 Electric Machines 3
7 EP3072 Power Electronics 3
8 IF2230 Operating Systems 3
9 IF2240 Data Bases 3
10 IF3150 Project Management of Software 2
11 IF3151 Human Computer Interaction 3
12 II2240 System Requirement Analysis 3
13 IL2205 Environmental Health 2
14 MB3001 Environmental Managment System 2
15 MK4101 Environment Managment System 2
16 MS3201 Engineering Economics and Managment 2
17 SR4208 Art and Environment 3
18 TF3202 Environment and Energy 2
19 TI3004 Engineering Economics 2
20 TI3005 Organization and Management of Industrial Companies 2
21 TI3201 Occupational Health, Safety and Environment 2
22 TI4004 Industrial Management B 2
Total Credits = 52 Credits
Selectable Minors
1 134 Industrial Engineering
2 135 Informatics Engineering
3 136 Aeronautics and Astronautics
4 180 Electrical Power Engineering
5 182 Information System and Technology
Telecommunication Engineering Minor Programs
Telecommunication Minor 1
1 ET3000 Electromagnetics II 3
2 ET3001 Analog and Digital Communication Systems 3
3 ET3002 Digital Communications 3
4 ET3005 Discrete Time Signal Processing 3
5 ET3006 Radio Frequency Electronics 3
6 ET3007 Antenna & Radio Wave Propagation 3
Total Credits= 18 Credits
Telecommunication Minor 2
1 ET3001 Analog and Digital Communications Systems 3
2 ET3003 Computer Networks 3
3 ET3004 Telecommunication Traffic Engineering 3
4 ET3008 Optical Communication Systems 3
5 ET3009 Software Engineering 3
6 ET3010 Connected Services & Cloud Computing 3
Total Credits= 18 Credits
No Code Course
1 ET 2000 Electromagnetics I
2 ET 2001 Discrete Mathematics
3 ET 2002 Probability & Statistics
4 ET 2004 Continuous Time Signal Processing
5 ET 2005 Digital System Design
6 ET 2006 Communication Electronics
7 ET 2007 Programming
8 ET 2008 Embedded Systems
9 ET 2100 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 1
10 ET 2200 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 2
11 ET 3000 Electromagnetics II
12 ET 3001 Analog and Digital Communication Systems
13 ET 3002 Digital Communications
14 ET 3003 Computer Networks
15 ET 3004 Telecommunication Traffic Engineering
16 ET 3005 Discrete Time Signal Processing
17 ET 3007 Antenna & Radio Wave Propagation
18 ET 3010 Connected Services & Cloud Computing
19 ET 3100 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 3
20 ET 3200 Telecommunication Laboratory Works 4
21 ET 4000 Industrial Placement
22 ET 4001 Final Work I & Seminar
23 ET 4002 Final Works II
24 ET 4004 Development of Profession / Community A
25 ET 4005 Development of Profession / Community B
26 ET 4040 Telecommunication Economy, Business, Regulation and Policy
27 ET 4045 Telecommunication Network Security
28 ET 4058 Radar and Navigation Systems
29 ET 4059 Radar Signal Processing
30 ET 4061 Wireless Access Networks
31 ET 4064 Satellite & Terrestrial Communication Systems
32 ET 4144 Telecommunication Networks Management
33 ET 4243 Queuing Networks

Lulusan Program Teknik Telekomunikasi akan memiliki prospek karir yang luas, karena kompetensi teknik telekomunikasi dibutuhkan oleh berbagai sektor nasional dan multinasional, termasuk operator telekomunikasi dan vendor; industri komunikasi satelit; radio, televisi, penyiaran, industri multimedia; industri radar dan navigasi; industri perbankan dan lembaga keuangan; industri minyak dan pertambangan; lembaga penelitian dan pendidikan; badan pemerintah; profesi akademis dan lembaga penelitian; pengusaha dan perusahaan konsultan / kontraktor; industri kreatif; industri penerbangan dan pesawat terbang, angkatan bersenjata dan maritim; industri tenaga listrik; penyedia layanan internet; dll.

No NIM Nama Judul
1 18114019 Radifan Cahya Pradana
Testing and Implementation of OpenFlow Switch on Software Defined Network


Software Defined Network is deemed to be the networking architecture for the future. But SDN requires new network devices for its infrastructure called whitebox switches. Because SDN is still in development period, SDN whitebox switches are notoriously expensive to produce. But there is an alternative to create a full-fledged for a fraction of a cost called Open vSwitch, which is a software based conceptual whitebox switch that can be installed in a computer to simulate whitebox switch with its network card as the switches’ ports. Open vSwitch can be installed to Single Board Computer with five-to six network ports to create a whitebox switch. One of the best single board computer to use is Banana Pi R1, which is an ARM-based SBC with 5 ethernet port in the form of Distributed Switch Architecture. With a little bit of VLAN knowledge, the distributed switch can be treated as real ethernet port. Open vSwitch then can be installed in Banana Pi R1 to create a whitebox switch in about Rp. 1.200.000 or about $85.
Keywords : Software Defined Network, Whitebox Switch, Open vSwitch, Banana Pi R1

2 18114005 Danang Ainal Hakim
Design and Implementation of Passive Direction Finding System 1,09 GHz by using Modified 4×4 Butler Matrix


Passive radar is a system for detecting target without transmitting electromagnetic signal. The advantage of using this radar is the ability to detect target without being detected or “too see without being seen.” One of the abilities required by the passive radar is the ability to determine the direction of transmitter or known as direction finding. In this final assignment, a 4×4 butler matrix was designed for the implementation of passive direction finding system. The design and simulation process of the butler matrix was started by designing and doing simulation at the software. To maximize the result, modification and design optimization were also carried out. After the results of the simulation fulfill the specifications, butler matrix would be fabricated and measured as well as tested. The system was implemented at FR-4 epoxy substrate. The process of beam forming was successfully implemented by feeding every input port of butler matrix connected to the circular array antenna to produce target incoming angle. To test the system, artificial transmission signal was radiated at work frequency of 1090 MHz at far field of the antenna and the sytem would be able to detect the incoming angle of transmitting antenna.
Keywords: Design and Implementation, Passive Direction Finding, Butler Matrix 4×4

3 18114021 Petra Febrianto Liasta
Software Defined Network (SDN) Configuration Application with OpenDaylight Platform


Internet has been a part of emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, virtualization computing, data center, and big data services. These technologies need adaptive environment since legacy configuration cannot change the network characteristic quickly. This legacy process has some ordered steps. To solve these problems, came up an idea named Software Defined Network. SDN uses an application or program to configure the network. Applications are designed to do functions in the network. SDN application is connected with an SDN Controller. Then, the controller will send the configuration for each whitebox switch using the OpenFlow protocol. The controller configuration is performed based on the application / program function. In this thesis, the application uses a web framework called Flask with the data structure from OpenDaylight controller. The main function of this application is to manage device’s flow. An admin can build a flow and remove it from the device. Download and upload features are also provided for main function support. If an admin has already built the configuration, the admin can reuse the configuration by downloading it first. In the end, the application is tested with some cases in order to show the utility of each feature.
Keywords: Software Defined Network , OpenFlow, Web Application, Flask Framework

4 18114016 Andina Zahra Nabilla
Sensor Data Detection and Transference Modules in Ambient Assisted Living System: Monitoring of Elderly’s Condition Using Smart Devices


Indonesia is a very populous country with headcount as big as 260 million people, and 8.9% of the population consists of elders. Each year, the number climbs up and is predicted to be one with the highest population of elders in Asia and globally by the year 2050. The significant growth also means there would be a push in demand where their quality of life becomes the focus, especially in the aspect of health-related needs. On the other hand, technology has entered the Industry 4.0 era where automation and data exchange becomes the norm to be utilized in increasing people’s quality of life. Seeing the gap between the problem and the opportunity presented, the concept of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is formed where connected technology is applied to help elders in becoming more independent and thus increasing their quality of life. In this capstone project, an AAL system is designed to monitor elders’ condition using smart devices that consist of smartwatch and smartphone. To enable the process, accelerometer and heart rate sensor are being utilized at 200,000 microseconds sampling rate so that the data generated would be sent to the device where the further process would be triggered. Data synchronization between the elders’ smartwatch and smartphone is set up by benefitting from the Wearable Data Layer API of Google Play Services. Based on the implementation results, there are some aspects that can be improved; one of them is the accuracy where data loss still occurs with the receiving percentage of acceleration data is as small as 1.7% and heart rate data is 67.5%, and to push for minimum delay as the current synchronization delay time is 2.5 seconds.
Index Terms: Ambient Assisted Living, Android OS, Wear OS, Smart Devices.

5 18114010 Riko Bobot Harsongko
DSP Based Multipath Fading Channel Simulator for Voice Modem


Telecommunication technology has become a necessity in many fields. One of telecommunication technology is voice modem. Voice modem is used in digital radio communications systems. In testing the voice modem that will be used in digital radio communication system, we need multipath fading channel simulator to simulate the condition and effect of multipath fading channel in real-time. One alternative to implementing voice modem and fading multipath channel simulator is using Digital Signal Processor (DSP), not only for real-time implementation but also ease in the development of signal processing algorithm.
In this final project, multipath fading channel simulator for DSP based voice modem using DSK TMS320C6713 has been successfully implemented. This final project will tell you about design, development of algorithm and implementation of fading multipath channel simulator. The data transfer mechanism used is frame based with the triple buffering method.
Several simulations have been done to test the prototype of multipath fading channel such as testing of probability density function (pdf) histogram for Rayleigh fading signal, testing of real-time processing using sinusoidal, BPSK and speech signal as the input. We found that the pdf histogram of the Rayleigh fading signal that has been generated using Clarke’s method, approximate the distribution theoretically. From the computation, we know that the channel is slow fading and frequency selective fading.
Keywords: Multipath fading, voice modem, DSP

6 18114028 Ghazy Mahendra
Design and Implementation of Administration Application for Ceph Based Software Defined Storage System


Software Defined Storage is an effort to separate storage hardware and software to simplify management and lower operational costs. In the practice, the use of defined storage software requires additional software such as Ceph, Gluster, or command line interface-based paid software. This design aims to facilitate administrators in the management of storage systems with graphical user interface display in the form of web application developed using microframework Flask.
This design is developed using agile software design methodology. The system is designed based on web applications using microframework Flask with Python as backend and HTML language for frontend. The system is divided into five main functional modules: starting module for cluster usage prepartion, dashboard module to check general cluster condition, user module to perform CRUD function for user, block and pool module to perform CRUD function of pools and block images, and configuration module to make changes to the data storage system. There are three types of data communications that is used to create this administration system, by the RESTful API service in the HTTP protocol (using the internet), directly to the system using programs written in the Python programming language using the RADOS and RBD libraries, and using commands directly in the operating system using Ansible automation software. All of them need to be applied to run all required functionality. The designed app also has more features than the existing app, CephDash and Ceph Dashboard.
Keywords : Ceph, SDS, Flask

7 18114018 Alfian Azizi
Implementation of Devops in Building and Maintenance Software Defnied Storage System Based on Ceph


Data storage technology is very important in this day and age. The rapidly growing data usage requires data storage technologies with capabilities that can cope with the rapidly growing size of huge data. The size of the data is something to consider, but the ability of a system that can be installed on any type of data storage device will be much needed. The most important thing in a data storage system is a technology that can store data without worry the data will be lost if there is a failure on a data storage system. In this Final Project conducted research and implementation of a data storage system using Ceph software as backend data storage. Using Ceph, a system can properly address problems arising from the growing data. Ceph can distribute data to all devices that are in a system called the Ceph cluster so that the data is not easily lost when there is a failure on the system. Ceph can run on all data storage devices regardless of proprietary brands or devices, so the system can run even with everyday devices. This Final Project also discusses how the Ceph cluster can be installed using an automation technology with Ansible. Use of Ansible can cut the time it takes for the installation of a Ceph cluster to 60% so that an administrator can save time to do other important things. Automation technology will also be applied to client-cluster interactions using file storage and block storage services using Samba, iSCSI, and Nextcloud.
Keywords: Ceph, CRUSH, Ansible, bash script, file storage, block storage

8 18114006 Amira Maulina
The Design of Database, Location Detection and Application Programming Interface for Ambient Assisted Living Family Tracker with Mobile Android Application Services


Along with the social transformation of the 21st century, it is estimated that by 2050 the number of people over the age of 65 is expected to be more than double by 2015, with predicted reach nearly 2.1 billion worldwide [1]. With the increasing demand for the provision of health systems for the elderly, one potential solution to solve this problem is through the Ambient Assisted Living system. The AAL system will become a trend because this century has entered the era of industry 4.0 where the use of information and communication technology will be a human lifestyle specially to address the health and welfare needs of an aging population. Solutions with AAL are a positive impact to improve the quality of life and make it easier for people. AAL solutions aim to offer support for the home environment, in the community and in the work environment, and involve multiple disciplines including data analysis, intelligent environments, sensor networks, wearable and computing and pervasive information security
The technology to be discussed in this book is information and communication that will be used on systems created using mobile android applications. This is due to the development of mobile applications android is on the rise. And to increase the workload of mobile application delivery then one way that is with the development of backend. Backend is used as a database platform to help develop applications. The database used to develop Ambient Assisted Living applications uses Firebase. Firebase is a NoSQL database.
In this paper will be explained about database design with realtime database, will explain the analysis using realtime database and design. For mobile applications that will be described starting from the design of the application framework observer, account creation and delivery to firebase, and merging between the two userID, but it will explain how to detect the location and delivery of location data to the family application

9 18114023 Maharaja Arizona
Digital Demodulator Design on DSP Based Voice Modem


Telecommunication technology has become a necessity in many fields. One of telecommunication technology used is voice modem. Voice modem is one of the supporting components of voice communication. Voice modem can be used as a communication system at baseband frequency. The processed signal used in this voice modem design is speech signal. One alternative to voice modem implementation is using Digital Signal Processor (DSP). DSP can be used in real time implementation as well as in the development of signal processing algorithms.
In this final project has been successfully implemented Voice Modem based on Digital Signal Processor (DSP) using DSKTMS320C6713. This final project is about design, development of algorithm and implementation of demodulator of voice modem. Modulation and demodulation techniques used are MPSK (M-Phase Shift Keying). The data transfer mechanism used is frame based with triple buffering method.
From the test result using MPSK modulation type on demodulator voice modem, it was found that BPSK (Binary Phase Shift keying) has the shortest processing time of 0.265 milliseconds, then QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) of 0.362 milliseconds, 8-PSK for 0.621 milliseconds and 16 -PSK for 1,152 milliseconds. Then on the addition of PSF (Pulse Shaping Filter) with roll-off factor 0.2,0.5, and 0.8 obtained the same processing time of 0.265 milliseconds. In testing the sound quality with MOS (mean opinion score) obtained BPSK has the highest value that is 3.3 ± 0.536. Then when BPSK added PSF with roll-off factor 0.2,0.5, and 0.8 got the same MOS value that is 3.3 ± 0.536.

10 18114022 Eka Aditya Chandra K
Design and Implementation of HAPS on Air Pollution Monitoring System


Air pollution is an environmental issue that can not be ignored. The development of air pollution monitoring systems will be useful for controlling and measuring parameters associated with air pollution. Along with technological developments, the use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is currently being considered for air pollution monitoring, as it can work automatically and has a much cheaper cost than conventional measuring stations. But WSN itself has several weakness that require supporting technology to cover the weakness of WSN. The solution is to integrate WSN with High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS).
In this final project will be discussed the implementation of HAPS on air pollution monitoring system based on WSN. In this study HAPS will serve as the center of aggregation and data processing from the head cluster. In order for HAPS to serve as the aggregation and data processing center of the head cluster, Raspberry Pi 3 is used as the HAPS control center. In addition HAPS will also serve as an access point for the sensor nodes to communicate wirelessly with each other. In the access point HAPS used microstrip patch antenna design results that have a working frequency of 2.4 GHz, return loss of 11.35 dB and VSWR of 1.743. The designed HAPS access point has the farthest reach of 255 meters.
Keywords : HAPS, WSN, access point, microstrip patch antenna.

11 18114025 Silvya Aulia Hidayatul Firdaus
Digital Modulator Design on DSP Based Voice Modem


Telecommunication technology has become necessity in many fields. One of telecommunication technology used is voice modem. Voice modem is one of the supporting components of voice communication. Voice modem functions as a communication system at baseband frequency. The processed signal is sound signal. One alternative to voice modem implementation is using Digital Signal Processor (DSP), in addition to allowing for real time implementation as well as ease in the development of signal processing algorithms.
In this final project has been successfully implemented DSP-based digital modulator for voice modem using DSK TMS320C6713. This final project discusses the design, development of algorithms and the implemetation of digital modulators. Modulation technique used are MPSK (M-Phase Shift Keying). The data transfer mechanism used is frame based withh triple buffering method.
In the design and implementation, variations of level M were used are 2, 4, 8, and 16 so that the modulation techniques used are BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-PSK. This project also added pulse shaping filter to the system with the variation of roll off factor. From the test results, obtained BPSK as the best modulation technique based on the complexity of the program with delay was 0.265 ms. The addition of pulse shaping filter affects signal bandwidth and complexity program. However, variations of roll off factor value did not have effect on complexity program. Implementation of modulator on voice modem system also produces BPSK as the best modulator with system delay equal to 0.266 ms and mean value of opinion opinion score that is 3.3 ± 0.356.
Keywords: Digital modulation, pulse shaping filter, voice modem.

12 18114020 Ainani Paramita Andarini
Design and Implementation Passive Direction Finding Based on Software-defined Radio using Butler-fed Circular Array


Passive radar is radar techniques which exploits an existing signal, such as broadcast, communication or radionavigation as its tramsmitting source. Passive radar is suitable for the military because it does not emit signals so this radar will not be easily detected by enemies. One of the functions required on a passive radar is a function to determine the direction of the coming target or so-called direction finding.
In this final project, direction finding system is designed based on Software-Defined Radio using log periodic dipole antenna and Butler matrix 4×4. The antenna used has a working frequency at L-Band frequency, in accordance with the designed system which utilizing ADS-B signals as the transmission source.
Direction finding system will use digital phase discriminator to detect target’s AoA. This system uses four identical LPDA antennas which arranged in Uniform Circular Array (UCA). Butler matrix 4×4 is utilized as the Beam-forming network in this system. To test the system, a sinusoidal signal is emitted at L-band frequency in the far field of the antenna and the system is expected to to detect the transmitter’s angle of arrival.
Keywords: Direction Finding, Software-Defined Radio, Phase Discriminator

13 18114013 Mutiara Muslim
Design and Implementation Microstrip Log Periodic Dipole Array Antenna for Passive Coherent Location and Passive Direction Finding System


Passive radar is a type of radar that can detect the existence of target by utilizing signals from other transmitters so it is not easily detected by the target. There are several types of passive radar, some of them are Passive Coherent Location (PCL) radar that serves to determine the bistatic range and Doppler-shift of the target and Passive Direction Finding (PDF) radar that serves to determine the arrival angle of the target.
In this final project Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) antenna has been designed for the implementation of PCL and PDF systems. This antenna is designed to capture TV signals at UHF frequencies and ADS-B signals on L bands. The design begins with the simulation followed by optimizing the size of the antenna to get the desired specifications. Once designed, the antenna is fabricated as many as four pieces.
The research continued by measuring antenna parameters. Based on the measurement results, it was found that the operating frequency of the antenna is 682 to 1600 MHz with the smallest return loss value at the frequency of 1540 MHz is -47.6 dB. In addition, a VSWR antenna is rate less than 2 at a frequency of 682 to 1600 MHz. The minimum VSWR value is at the 1.54 GHz frequency that is 1.01.
The fabricated LPDA antennas are used as receivers in PCL and PDF systems. The PDF system used four antennas arranged in different directions. While the PCL system uses two antennas used as antenna surveillance and antenna reference.
Keywords: LPDA, PCL, PDF, reference, surveillance

14 18114003 Andrew Filbert Dary
Optimization Analysis of Several Ceph Based Software Defined Storage System Components and Its Affect on The System Performance


The development of data storage technology continues to grow following the varying needs of data storage. With the increasing data usage that grow exponentially, the need for data storage systems that can accommodate these data is increasingly needed in this era of technology. Therefore a data storage system is required to able to add system capacity easily and efficiently. In addition to that, the need for a data storage system that can provide data reliability so that there will be no cases of missing data in case of constraints or failures in the system is another factor that needs to be implemented in a data storage system. In this Final Project, research has been conducted and implemented on a data storage system with Software Defined Storage technology using Ceph software as a backend data storage. By implementing Ceph on a data storage system, the system can be built using any type of data storage device without having to worry about the type or brand of devices to be used. In addition to that, Ceph has the ability to distribute data evenly on all storage system devices, so the data is not easy to lose if there are problems on the system. This Final Project also discusses the process of optimization of Ceph-based data storage system to obtain optimal system performance with the limitations that exist during the work of this final project. Optimization process is done by determining the factors required by the system which will be then breakdown into parameters to be tested to determine the design of systems that have optimum performance. Ceph-based data storage system that has the optimal performance in this Final Project was obtained by designing data storage system that has 9 OSD, using BlueStore as its storage backend, and using two types of network that is cluster network and public network. Keywords: Ceph, CRUSH, optimization, OSD, cluster network, BlueStore

15 18114026 Kalista Umari
Fall, Overworked Condition, and Heart Rate Abnormality Detection in Ambient Assisted Living System: Monitoring of Elderly Condition using Smart Devices


Each year, the aging population in Indonesia keeps increasing. In 2050, the number of aging population in Indonesia is predicted to be larger than the aging population in Asia and the world. This rapid increasement should be adjusted with a suitable method to increase the living quality of the aging population. Today, technological development has entered the stage of Industry 4.0, resulting in a technology that could realize a high quality elderly by providing technological assistance to live independently. This technology is called Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). In this paper, an AAL system that could automatically detect emergency conditions in elderly people, such as fall, overworked condition, and heart rate abnormality, using smartwatch and smartphone devices was developed. Using an acceleration sensor in the smartwatch, a fall detection system was developed with vertical acceleration as the main parameter and a threshold of 38 m/s2. In addition, overworked condition and heart rate abnormality detection in elderly people was developed using the heart rate sensor in smartwatch as well as the result of an activity identification system. Activity Index (AI), which is a total of standard deviations of the accelerations detected within a one minute time interval, is used as the main parameter for the activity identification system. Other than detecting emergency conditions, the system developed could also inform the family immediately when those conditions occurred to the elderly. The emergency condition information is given to the family through a notification from an AAL application installed in their smartphones. By testing to non elderly people, the fall detection accuracy was obtained at 73.33%. Furthermore, the functionality of the overworked condition detection, heart rate abnormality detection, and notification feature has been tested to be working well.

1. LTRGM (Laboratorium Telekomunikasi Radio dan Gelombang Mikro)

LTRGM juga dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris Radio Telecommunication and Microwave Laboratory). Laboratorium ini mendukung program ET dalam melakukan pembelajaran tentang teknologi terkait telekomunikasi nirkabel.

Fasilitas Laboratorium LTRGM tercantum di bawah ini:

1. Ruang kerja laboratorium komunikasi nirkabel: komputer dengan koneksi Internet, peralatan kerja laboratorium, Multimeter Digital, Catu Daya, Multimeter Digital, kit kalibrasi VNA, Generator bentuk gelombang, Penganalisis spektrum, Penyimpanan digital, osiloskop
2. Ruang penelitian komunikasi nirkabel: Komputer dengan koneksi Internet, Penganalisis Spektrum, Osiloskop Digital, Penganalisis Jaringan, Penghasil Sinyal, Master Situs

Laboratorium ini mendukung mata kuliah
1. Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET2100 1, terdiri dari pekerjaan laboratorium untuk:
Sirkuit Listrik ET2003
2. Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET2200 2, terdiri dari pekerjaan laboratorium untuk:
ET2006 Komunikasi Elektronik
3. Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET3100 3, terdiri dari pekerjaan laboratorium untuk:
Sistem Komunikasi Analog dan Digital ET3001
4. Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET3200 4, terdiri dari pekerjaan laboratorium untuk:
ET3002 Komunikasi Digital
ET3006 Elektronik Frekuensi Radio

Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET2100 1, Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET2200 2, Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET3100 3, dan Pekerjaan Laboratorium Telekomunikasi ET3200 4 diperlakukan serupa dengan mata kuliah lain dalam program dengan dosen khusus, jadwal, dan asisten. Di sisi lain, ada pekerjaan laboratorium yang dilakukan sebagai bagian terintegrasi dari mata kuliah. Pekerjaan laboratorium dengan sifat seperti ini adalah ET 2004 Continuous Time Signal Processing, ET 3005 Discrete Time Signal Processing, dan ET 3000 Electromagnetic Fields 2. Semuanya didukung oleh Laboratorium Radio Telekomunikasi & Gelombang Mikro.


2. Laboratorium Telematika

Fasilitas laboratorium digunakan untuk praktikum, tugas akhir, tesis dan disertasi mahasiswa, untuk penelitian dosen, dan juga untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat. Fasilitas laboratorium saat ini terdiri dari:

  1. Lab. Telekomunikasi Kreatif: untuk pengembangan service dan content telekomunikasi;
  2. Lab. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): perencanaan kapasitas dan kapabilitas resource IT/Telekomunikasi di suatu perusahaan;
  3. Lab IP Net & Highspeed Cabling Lab. : pendidikan, penelitian dan pengembangan bidang networking (CCNA) dan cabling system;
  4. Advanced IP NetLab: pendidikan, penelitian dan pengembangan bidang networking level advance (CCIE);
  5. Lab. ITS (Intelligent Transportation System): terkait pengaturan terpadu lalulintas jalan raya secara cerdas;
  6. Huawei STEI IP Training Center: pendidikan, penelitian dan pengembangan bidang networking (HCDA).

FT = Waktu Penuh
PT = Paruh Waktu

Total Sarjana TE = Jumlah siswa yang terdaftar di program TE pada tahun ke-2 sampai tahun ke-6

Pada tahun pertama di ITB, semua mahasiswa terdaftar di Fakultas/Sekolah yang ditunjuk. Oleh karena itu, jumlah mahasiswa pada tahun pertama adalah umum untuk semua enam program sarjana di Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (SEEI), yaitu BS Teknik Tenaga Listrik, BS Teknik Telekomunikasi, BS Teknik Elektro, BS Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer, BS dalam Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, dan BS dalam Teknik Biomedis.
Pada akhir semester kedua, semua siswa didistribusikan ke dalam program ini. Distribusi didasarkan pada, dalam urutan prioritas,

(a) minat siswa,
(b) konsistensi pilihan siswa
(c) prioritas pilihan siswa,
(d) tempat yang dialokasikan program,
(e) IPK (dalam hal jumlah peminat melebihi tempat yang dialokasikan)

Format Buku dan Panduan TA Teknik Telekomunikasi

1. Format Buku TA Teknik Telekomunikasi
2. Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir

Panduan Akademik

1. Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Telekomunikasi

Dokumen Panduan Kerja Praktek

1. Dokumen Kerja Praktek
