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Research Fields:

Optimal, Robust and Adaptive Controls, Non Linear and Stochastic Controls, Modeling and Identification, Robotics, Image Based Control, Hybrid and Switching Control, Process Optimization and Scheduling, Control and Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems.


To develop its resources to achieve the academic excellence of ITB and to realize its role as the national agent of change.


  1. Coordinate educational activities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, research and community empowerment activities.
  2. Creating brilliant and outstanding thinkers, educators, researchers, with excellence in leadership and entrepreneurship. Also to create engineers who have technical and work value.

Main Tasks

  1. Coordinate educational activities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, research and community empowerment activities.
  2. Improving and developing science and technology in the field of Control Engineering and Computer Engineering.
  3. Develop human resources, to become competent in the field of Control Engineering and Computer Engineering.


  1. To be a strategic part of ITB in achieving its mission and vision.
  2. To become a center for human resource development, which is highly competent.
  3. To build a good and harmonious work environment.
  4. To develop an integrated and sustainable short-term and long-term plan.
Organizational Structure
Lecturer Staff
Research Scope
Vision and Mission

Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : robust control, optimal control, flight control

Carmadi Machbub
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : optimization, pattern recognition, perception, control

Dr.Ir. Hilwadi Hindersah, M.Sc.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : robotics, control, instrumentation

Dr.Ir. Dimitri Mahayana, M.Eng.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : nonlinear system, signal and system

Ir. Arief Syaichu Rohman, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : nonlinear system, adaptive control

Dr. Pranoto H. Rusmin, ST., MT.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat :embedded system, computer controlled system

Dr. Agung Harsoyo, ST., DEA.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : signal processing, information architecture

Egi Muhammad Idris Hidayat, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat :system identification, pattern recognition

Dr. Lenni Yulianti, ST., MT.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat :Automatic Control and Computer

Yulyan Wahyu Hadi, ST., MT.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : Automatic Control and Computer

Anggera Bayuwindra, ST., MT.,Ph.D.
Automatic Control and Computer
Minat : Automatic Control and Computer


  1. Optimal Control
  2. Robust Control
  3. Adaptive Control
  4. Nonlinear Control and Chaos
  5. Stochastic Control and Estimation
  6. Multivariable Linear Systems
  7. Distributed Parameter Systems
  8. Modelling and Identification
  9. Computer Architecture
  10. Parallel and Distributed Computation
  11. Computer Graphics
  12. Intelligent System
  13. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
  14. Discrete Event Control and Hybrid Systems (Petri Nets, Automata, Process Optimization and Scheduling)
  15. Control and Intelligent Systems (Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutive Computation, Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems)


To develop its resources to achieve the academic excellence of ITB and to realize its role as the national agent of change.


  1. Coordinate educational activities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, research and community empowerment activities.
  2. Creating brilliant and outstanding thinkers, educators, researchers, with excellence in leadership and entrepreneurship. Also to create engineers who have technical and work value.

Main Tasks

  1. Coordinate educational activities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, research and community empowerment activities.
  2. Improving and developing science and technology in the field of Control Engineering and Computer Engineering.
  3. Develop human resources, to become competent in the field of Control Engineering and Computer Engineering.


  1. To be a strategic part of ITB in achieving its mission and vision.
  2. To become a center for human resource development, which is highly competent.
  3. To build a good and harmonious work environment.
  4. To develop an integrated and sustainable short-term and long-term plan.


  1. Sistem dan Kendali Komputer
  2. LSKK Group: www.lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
  3. The Robotics Research Laboratory http://robotics.itb.ac.id/
  4. R&D Site: research.lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
  5. S2/S3 Computer Engineering Site: control.lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
  6. S2/S3 Digital Media & Game Site: game.lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
  7. Diploma Program Site: diploma.lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
  8. Conference Site: www.seaconf.org