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Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering and Informatics

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Electrical Engineering and Informatics Doctoral Program

The Electrical Engineering and Informatics Doctoral Program aims to prepare students to carry out independent research in areas of their interest and contribute actively to the field of electrical engineering and informatics. A doctoral degree will be awarded to students who have a deep understanding of the related field and demonstrate the ability to conduct independent and original research that can be published in journals.

The Electrical Engineering and Informatics Doctoral Program includes knowledge in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Electronics, Computers, Control & Computer Systems, Biomedicine, Software & Data Engineering, Informatics, and Information Technology.

This program is designed so that graduates can demonstrate research abilities and skills independently in one or more branches covered in the above fields in original research. The results of this research should also add to the existing body of knowledge in electrical engineering and informatics or reveal new problems which, according to the principles of engineering science, can be proven in a dissertation without a doubt.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. Our graduates will be able to become an independent professional research in
    Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
  2. Our graduates will be able to supervise students conducting research in all
    higher education levels or to build an innovation of product/technology in their
  3. Our graduates will demonstrate leadership in research activity or his professional

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Critical Thinking Ability:
    • Able to identify relevant scientific publications in the field of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, and be able to understand, evaluate and apply the information contained therein.
    • Mastering in depth the latest theories, techniques, and tools in their field of specialization, and being able to creatively apply them in research activities.
  2. Ability to Find Research Problems:
    • Fully understand the characteristics, development, phases, and ethical value of scientific research.
    • Able to draw the essence and novelty of existing research results, and evaluate them critically within the scientific scope of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
    • Able to find new research problems whose solutions are within the scope of the knowledge they master.
  3. Ability to Run Research Programs:
    • Able to make systematic and executable research plans within the available time and resource constraints.
    • Understand and master research methodologies, techniques, and scientific approaches and are skilled in applying them to problem-solving in the field of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, especially in their field of specialization.
    • Able to improve existing techniques or develop new techniques in the process of solving complex research problems so that they can become part of the repertoire of science.
  4. Ability to Communicate Research Results:
    • Able to participate actively in the academic community, communicate with peers in the scientific community, and the wider community related to the fields of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
    • Able to organize research results that have been carried out in the form of scientific reports and publish them in respected journals.
    • Become one of the most respected experts in the field of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, especially for the branches of science related to the dissertation he has made.

Program Stages

In general, the Curriculum for the Electrical and Informatics Doctoral Study Program is divided into 4 stages, namely:

Stage I or Qualification Stage

At this stage, doctoral program students are required to take a number of lectures, including Qualification Examination courses. Courses are taken to partially fulfill residency requirements and, if necessary, in preparation for qualifying examinations. The new qualification exam can be taken after students have registered and taken courses for a minimum of one semester. Students are declared to have completed this stage if they are declared to have passed the qualifying exam. This first stage must be completed within a maximum of two semesters.

The components assessed in the Qualification Examination stage are as follows:

  • Issues discussed
  • Methodology in papers
  • The main results of the papers
  • The element of novelty in the papers reviewed
  • Further development
  • Mastery of basic knowledge for the field to be researched
Stage II or Proposal Preparation Stage

At this stage, students are required to prepare a research proposal. Students are declared to have completed this stage if the proposal they have prepared is approved by the supervisory team and declared worthy as a doctoral research proposal by the assessment team. The student must be able to complete this second stage within a maximum of four semesters from the time he starts the doctoral program.

The components assessed in the Proposal Examination stage are as follows:

  • Mastery of basic supporting knowledge
  • Understanding of the research problem
  • Understanding of methodology
  • Knowledge of State of The Art research topics
  • Readiness for independent work
  • Working drive and motivation
Phase III or Research phase

At this stage, students conduct research and are required to regularly report their progress. Also at this stage, students write the results of their research into a dissertation and into a scientific paper to be published as an international scientific publication.

Students are declared to have completed this stage if:

  1. All courses, except the Dissertation Examination course, have been declared passed,
  2. Students have fulfilled the scientific publication requirements, and
  3. The dissertation prepared by the student and approved by the supervisor team is declared worthy of being a doctoral dissertation by the assessment team.

The Research Stage of the Doctoral Program at STEI is divided into four stages of research progress as follows:

  1. Research and Progress Seminar I
    • Pre-requisites: Pass the Qualification Examination and Research Proposal
    • Graduation Requirements: Be able to maintain a convincing method for solving research problems. Proven by a report that includes acceptable analysis and arguments.
  2. Research and Progress Seminar II
    • Pre-requisites: Pass Research and Advancement Seminar I
    • Graduation Requirements: Have explored the solution method proposed at the Progress Seminar I as proven by initial research results.
  3. Research and Progress Seminar III
    • Pre-requisite: Pass Research and Advancement Seminar II
    • Graduation Requirements: Have produced scientific contributions that can be published at international conferences in their field, as evidenced in the form of a draft paper that has been approved by the Advisory Team.
  4. Research and Progress Seminars IV
    • Pre-requisites: Passed Research and Progress Seminar III and International Conference Papers have been accepted.
    • Graduation Requirements: Have produced a complete scientific contribution that is suitable to be written in a dissertation and a draft of an international journal that has been approved by the supervisor.

Systematic Seminar Reports on Doctoral Student Research Progress

Stage IV or Dissertation Examination Stage

At this stage students take exams to defend their dissertation and perfect their dissertation writing. This fourth stage must be completed within a maximum of 10 semesters.

Curriculum Structure

Struktur Kurikulum S3 (2019 dan seterusnya)
Struktur Kurikulum S3 (2018 dan seterusnya)
Struktur Kurikulum S3 (2017 dan sebelumnya)

Informasi Waktu dan Link Zoom akan disampaikan melalui email atau wa oleh TU Akademik.

Jadwal Seleksi S3 Semester I – 2024/2025

Persyaratan Umum:

Persyaratan umum bisa diklik pada alamat berikut: http://www.admission.itb.ac.id/

Persyaratan tambahan dari STEI:
  1. TOEFL >=500 atau ELPT ITB >= 90
  2. TPA>=500
Jadwal Seleksi
Contoh Soal Ujian Tes Tertulis

Graduate’s Profile

April 2020 Graduates

NIM Name Dissertation Poster
33213023 Fetty Fitriyanti Lubis Metode Course Recommendation Berdasarkan User Interest Learning Pada Massive Open Online Course (MMOC) Aggregator
33213024 M Vicky Ghahi Aziz Real-Time Simulator for Spatio-Temporal Optimal Network Traffic
33214013 Imelda Atastina Parallel Facetnet Algorithm With Vertex Cut as A Method for Community Evolution Detection on Big Graph
33215017 Riyanto Regulasi CoM-ZMP Dengan Kompensaso Gravitasi dan Kendali Postur Berdasarkan Strategi Rasio Pinggul-Pergelangan Kaki pada Robot Bipedal
33215301 Teguh Nurhadi Suharsono Pemodelan Protokol E-Voting Untuk Meningkatkan Verifiability
33216028 Novianto Budi Kurniawan Pengembangan Metodologi Rekayasa Sistem Komputasi Layanan Berbasis Service Oriented Architecture

October 2019 Graduates

NIM Name Dissertation Poster
33213013 Rina Mardiati Model Simulasi Pengendara Motor Menggunakan Markov Decision Process pada Lalu Lintas Heterogen
33214003 Aradea Model Requirements Engineering untuk Pengembangan Self-Adaptive Systems dalam Menangani Ketidakpastian Kebutuhan Kontekstual
33214010 Rina Ristiana Pemodelan Terintegrasi Baterai-Kendaraan dan Kendali PID Optimal Kuadratik Linier Berbasis Umpan Balik Status Parsial Untuk Penghematan Energi pada Kendaraan Listrik

July 2019 Graduates

NIM Name Dissertation Poster
33212024 Susetyo Bagas Bhaskoro Sistem Identifikasi Hubungan Sebab Akibat pada Pemrosesan Teks Bahasa Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Template Semantik
33213004 Dany Eka Saputra Uang Elektronik Berbasis Blockchain dan Singcryption untuk Transaksi Peer-to-Peer Murni
33213015 Suyoto Sinkronisasi Waktu yang Kokoh untuk Sistem Mobile OFDM san Cognitive Radio Berbasis OFDM
33213018 Leonard Goeirmanto Ekstraksi Informasi Spasial Sinyal EKG untuk Mengetahui Amplitudo, Arah dan urutan Kontraksi Jantung
33213019 Setyorini Komputasi Skor Bit-Parallelism dengan Bobot Multi Integer untuk Pairwise Sequence Alignment
33213022 Karel Octavianus Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) Data Interpretation Method for Transformer Fault Identification Using Cognitive Artificial-Intelligence
33214020 Dian Andriana Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Akurasi Penjejakan Objek Bergerak dengan Fitur Jamak
33215002 Indrarini Dyah Irawati Compressed Sensing (CS) for Matrix Trafic Reconstruction

April 2019 Graduates

NIM Name Dissertation Poster
33212003 Sofia Naning Hertiana Peningkatan Kinerja Software-Defined Networking (SDN) dengan Pengaturan Teknik Kendali Kongesti, Perutean Jalur Jamak dan Alokasi Bandwidth
33212008 Alfi Satria Pengasutan Tanpa Sensor Posisi Pada Motor BLDC Magnet Permanen Interior 9 Alur 8 Kutub Untuk Kendaraan Listrik
33212018 Oktariani Nurul Pratiwi Otomatisasi Formasi Kelompok Belajar Heterogen Untuk Mendukung Proses Cooperative Learning
33213002 Koredianto Usman Estimasi Arah kedatangan Sinyal dengan Penginderaan Kompresif
33213006 Arie Ardiyanti Suryani Postprocessing of Sundanese into Indonesian Statistical machine Translation Results using Morphological Analysis
33213009 Seno Adi Putra Intelligent System Based on Multiagent Systems for Autonomous Bridge Condition Assessment Using Wireless Sensor Networks
33213010 Warih Maharani Extraction, Categorization, and Aspect-Based Opinion Summarization
33213012 Dody Qori Utama Color Test Based on Cone and Rod Cell in Human Eye
33213026 Yudha Purwanto Pengembangan Algoritme Manajemen Pertemanan Berbasis Analisis Risiko Biaya Pada Jaringan Deteksi Serangan Kolaboratif
33213030 Ade Romadhony Pembangunan Skema Event Berbasis Tuple Relasi Open IE dengan Pemanfaatan Basis Pengetahuan
33214004 Anwar Muqorobin A Study on Current Ripple of PWM Inverter-Fed Multiphase AC Motors
33214011 Istikmal Peningkatan Kinerja Routing dan Kontrol Kongesti dengan Skema Cross Later Berbasiskan Rasio Sinyal Terhadap Derau pada Jaringan Adhoc Nirkabel
33214014 Mohamad Syafri Tuloli Metode Optimasi Multi-Objective Coevolutionary Pada Pengujian Mutasi

Webinar Penyusunan Proposal Riset S3

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No Promoter e-Mail Research Group / Lab
1 Prof. Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, M.T., Ph.D. 196607051996031002 suksmono@itb.ac.id Telecommunication Engineering / Lab. Telekomunikasi Radio dan Microwave
2 Prof. Ir. Armein Z.R. Langi, M.Sc., Ph.D. 196208171990031002 langi@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal & Sistem
3 Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono 196211151987031004 bambang.riyanto@itb.ac.id Control System & Computer Research Groups
4 Prof. Ir. Emir Mauludi Husni, M.Sc., Ph.D 196707072006041016 ehusni@itb.ac.id Computer Engineering Research Groups
5 Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring 196602281991021001 jaka@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal & Sistem
6 Prof. Dr. Ir. Nana Rachmana Syambas, M.Eng. 195902211985031003 nanasyambas@itb.ac.id Telecommunication Engineering / Lab. Telematika
7 Prof. Dr.Ing.-Ir. Suhardi, M.T. 196312111990011002 suhardi@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal & Sistem
8 Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat 196212031988111001 suhono@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal & Sistem
9 Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarno 196511101990011001 suwarno@itb.ac.id Teknik Ketenagalistrikan/ Lab Teknik Tegangan dan Arus Tinggi
10 Prof. Trio Adiono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. 197008241997021001 tadiono@itb.ac.id Electronics Research Groups
11 Prof. Yusep Rosmansyah, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. 197111291997021001 yusep@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal Sistem
12 Prof.Ir. Hendrawan, M.Sc., Ph.D. 196007051987021002 hend@itb.ac.id Telecommunication Engineering / Lab. Telematika
13 Prof.Ir. Kridanto Surendro, M.Sc., Ph.D. 196408121991021001 endro@itb.ac.id Informatika / Lab. Sistem Informasi
14 Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir 197109302008121002 munir@itb.ac.id Teknik Telekomunikasi / Lab. Radio dan Microwave
15 Dr. Ir. Rinaldi, M.T. 196512101994021001 rinaldi@itb.ac.id Informatika / Lab. Ilmu dan Rekayasa Komputasi
16 Dr. Iskandar, S.T., M.T. 197102271997021002 iskandar@itb.ac.id Telecommunication Engineering / Lab. Telekomunikasi Radio dan Microwave
17 Dr.techn. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto., S.T., M .T. 197208271997021003 ary.setijadi@itb.ac.id Computer Engineering Research Groups
18 Dr. Arif Sasongko, S.T., M.T. 197610252006041001 asasongko@itb.ac.id Electronics Research Groups
19 Dr. Y. Bandung, S.T., M.T. 197701122009121001 yoanes.bandung@itb.ac.id Teknologi Informasi / Lab. Sinyal Sistem
20 Ir. Arief Syaichu Rohman, M.Sc., Ph.D. 196705101992031003 arief.rohman@itb.ac.id Control System & Computer Research Groups
21 Dr.Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati Soekidjo, M.Comm. 196509241995012001 putri@itb.ac.id Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Pengetahuan
22 Dr. Tutun Juhana, S.T., M.T. 196902121997021001 tutun@itb.ac.id Telecommunication Engineering / Lab. Telematika
23 Dr. Umar Khayam, S.T., M.T. 197509082008011006 umar@itb.ac.id Power Engineering Research Groups