Struktur Organisasi
Ketua KK:
Prof. Ir. Kridanto Surendro, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Sasaran Umum KK
To develop science, expertise and “Tri-Dharma Perguruan Tinggi” in order to achieve center of excellence in informatics
Sasaran Khusus KK
- To develop science and expertise of informatics.
- To do advanced research and applied research in informatics.
- To produce excellence human resource in informatics
- To develop network and cooperativeness of science and professional world of informatics with nationals and internationals partners
- to build members career and competencies
Cakupan Penelitian
Cakupan Penelitian :
- Information search Engine
- Multimedia Security
- Integrated Messaging Engine
- Knowledge Engine
- Learning Engine
- Intelligent Graphical Engine
- Natural Language Processing
- Image Interpretation Engine
- Computer Vision
- Virtual Society Development
- IT Governance Organization
- Information Retrieval
- Simulation System
- Risk Management
- Business Process
- IT Alignment
- IS Growing
- Intelligent System
- Intelligent Agent
- Cognitive System
- Distributed Computing System
- Computer Network Security
- Mobile Processing
- Wireless Management
- Next Generation Network