Nama Proyek Peranan Tahun Pemberi project
International Conference on Digital Interactive Media 2015 (ICIDM 2015) Leader 2,015 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Penyelenggaraan Program hybrid Learning Program Alih Jenjang D3 ke D4 Konsentrasi Teknik Komputer Jaringan dan Media Digital Sekolah Teknik Elektro Dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Leader 2,015 Southeast Asian Minister Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) KEMDIKBUD
Pelaksanaan Program Beasiswa Unggulan Subsidi Luar Negeri Program Teknik Elektro Jenjang Magister (S2) Konsentrasi Teknologi Media Digital & Game Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Leader 2,015 Kementrian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Sekretariat Jenderal Biro Perencanaan Dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri
Pelaksanaan Program Hybrid Learning Program Alih Jenjang D3 ke D4 Konsentrasi Teknologi Media Digital dan Teknik Komputer Jaringan Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Batch VI Leader 2,013 Southeast Asian Minister Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) KEMDIKBUD
Penyelenggaraan Program Hybrid Learning Program Alih Jenjang D3 ke D4 Konsentrasi Teknik Komputer jaringan dan Media Digital Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Batch VII Leader 2,013 Southeast Asian Minister Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) KEMDIKBUD
Penyelenggaraan Program Hybrid Learning Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Konsentrasi Teknologi Media Digital dan Game Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Leader 2,013 Southeast Asian Minister Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) KEMDIKBUD
Pengembang Mobil Listrik Perguruan Tinggi Tahun Anggaran 2013 Leader 2,013 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (KEMDIKBUD)
Penyelenggaraan Program Hybrid Learning Program Alih Jenjang D3 ke D4 Konsentrasi Teknologi Media Digital Dan Teknik Komputer Jaringan Sekolah Teknik Elektro Dan Informasi Institut Teknologi Bandung Leader 2,012 Southeast Asian Minister Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) KEMDIKBUD
Pengembangan Simulator Panser Leader 2,010 Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat DIKTI KEMDIKBUD RI
Pengembangan Teknologi Konten Kreatif Open Source sebagai Penunjang Industri Konten Kreatif Nasional – MMOG Server Leader 2,009 Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Pengembangan Simulation Panser Leader 2,009 Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi KEMDIKNAS
Pengembangan Teknologi Konten Kreatif Opensource Sebagai Penunjang Industri Konten Kreatif Nasional Leader 2,008 Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Nama penghargaan Diberikan oleh Tingkat Tanggal menerima penghargaan Referensi
SLKS 10 tahun National 08/09/2010 35/TK/TAHUN 2010
Nama publikasi Penerbit Pengarang Tipe Peranan Tanggal terbit
Signal reference selection and dimensionality reduction for crosscorrelation based feature extraction in EEG signals of brain computer interface Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications; vol.17; Issue.1; Art.; page.185-207; DOI. 10.17654/EC017010185 Hermanto B.R., Mengko T.R., Setijadi P.A., Indrayanto A. International Journal Co-Author 01/01/2017
Time analysis of surface electromyography signal for active prosthetics control Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications Darmakusuma, R., Prihatmanto, A.S., Indrayanto, A., Mengko, T.L.R. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2016
State elimination in accelerated Multiagent Reinforcement Learning International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Prihatmanto, A.S., Adiprawita, W., Sari, S.C., Kuspriyanto International Journal Author 12/31/2016
Particle filter-based multitarget multicamera tracking system utilizing random finite sets and distributed estimation process International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Yulianti, L., Trilaksono, B.R., Prihatmanto, A.S., Adiprawita, W. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2016
Dance modelling, learning and recognition system of aceh traditional dance based on hidden markov model Jurnal Teknologi Anbarsanti, N., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2016
Stereo Visual Odometry System Design on Humanoid Robot Nao IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Jonathan Chandra, Ary Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Design and Implementation of Web Based Real Time Chat Interfacing Server IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Diotra Henriyan, Devie Pratama Subiyanti, Rizki Fauzian, Dian Anggraini, M. Vicky Ghani Aziz, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Design and Implementation of System Prediction and Traffic Conditions Visualization in Two Dimensional Map (Case Study: Bandung City) IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Dian Anggraini, Wisnu Siswantoko, Diotra Henriyan, Devie Pratama Subiyanti , Mochamad Vicky Ghani Aziz, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Traffic Signs Text Recognition and Error Correction IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Didit Andri Jatmiko, Ary S. Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Scenes Categorization base on Apears Objects Probability IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Marzuki Syahfirin, Carmadi Carmadi Machbub, Ary Setijadi P, Rinaldi Munir, Egi Muhamad Hidayat International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Data Preparation Step for Automated Diagnosis based on HRV Analysis and Machine Learning IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Vincentius Timothy, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Kyung-Hyune Rhee International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
A Study on the Stress Identification using Observed Heart Beat Data IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Spl Aditya Pramanta, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Man-Gon Park International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Preliminary Result on Gesture Recognition of Sigeh Penguten Dance Using Hidden Markov Model IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Maria Shusanti Febrianti, Egi Hidayat, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Carmadi Machbub International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Optimization and Modification of Evaluation Function in Chess Engine Stockfish IEEE 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), October 3-4, 2016 Bandung Ulfa Asmi, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Ryan Hamonangan Silalahi International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Scenes categorization based on appears objects probability Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2016; vol.; Issue.; Art.7857552; page.132-136; DOI. 10.1109/FIT.2016.7857552 Marzuki, Hidayat E.M., Munir R., Setijadi P.A., Machbub C. International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Head-up Display System to Increase Driver Experience in Navigation, Monitoring, and Warning for Hatchback Car International Conference on ICT For Smart Society, Surabaya, 20-21 July 2016, ISBN : 978-1-5090-1620-4 Richard Budianto, Fajar Bahari, Kristanto R. W, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 07/20/2016
Shesop Healthcare: Stress and Influenza Classification Using Support Vector Machine Kernel International Conference on ICT For Smart Society, Surabaya, 20-21 July 2016, ISBN : 978-1-5090-1620-4 Andrien Ivander Wijaya, Ary S. Prihatmanto, Rifki Wijaya International Proceeding Co-Author 07/20/2016
Gamification design of traffic data collection through social reporting Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Mulyana, A., Hindersah, H., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Design and implementation of educational game based on thematic curriculum using three layered thinking model (Case study: Applying number and social arithmetic in the real life) Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Safitri, A.G., Prihatmanto, A.S., Rusmin, P.H. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Vidyanusa game utilization on arithmetic sequence and addition subtraction of integers to improve mathematics learning outcomes of junior high school students (Case study in SMPN 31 Bandung) Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Qonita, Q., Prihatmanto, A.S., Wuryandari, A.I. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Educational game design using the 7 steps for designing serious games method (Case study: Mathematical subject on comparison and scale material for 7th grade junior high school) Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Iqbal, M., MacHbub, C., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Implementation of graph database for OpenCog artificial general intelligence framework using Neo4j Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Irawan, H., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Designing gamification for taxi booking system (Case study: Bandung smart transportation system) Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Supriyanto, Hindersah, H., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Design and implementation of logistic management system using crowdsourcing: Indonesia-United Logistic”””esign and implementation o” Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Pradana, H., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Design and implementation of Indonesia united portal using crowdsourcing approach for supporting conservation and monitoring of endangered species Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Supriadi, I., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Infographics Application “citizen Daily Reporting”-Enabled Participatory Platform for Citizen and Government: The case of Bandung cities Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Handaru, W.C., Mutiaz, I.R., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Opponent zigzag movement model capture and prediction in robotic soccer Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Andriana, D., MacHbub, C., Prihatmanto, A.S. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Design and implementation electronic stethoscope on smart chair for monitoring heart rate and stress levels driver Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Iskandar, A.S., Prihatmanto, A.S., Priyana, Y. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Interaction design steppy application based on factor usability on services SHESOP Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Hadiyatma, E., Setijadi, P.A., Priyana, Y. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Educational game design calculation of broad and round the triangle and quadrilateral using DPE (Design, play, and experience) framework Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Sainudin, Prihatmanto, A.S., Wuryandari, A.I. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Development of SHESOP website based on usability factors Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Trinanda, C., Setijadi, P.A., Priyana, Y. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
The analysist of vidyanusa educational game on set theory using individual learning method Proceedings of the 2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015 Sukma, D., Prihatmanto, A.S., Wuryandari, A.I. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/01/2015
Hyperbola tracing algorithm based on particle filter approach within a half-quadrant space for signal source localization Proceedings – 2015 IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2015 Awaludin, I., Prihatmanto, A.S., Hidayat, E.M.I., Machbub, C. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/10/2015
Design and implementation of natural language processing with syntax and semantic analysis for extract traffic conditions from social media data Proceedings – 2015 IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2015 Aziz, M.V.G., Prihatmanto, A.S., Henriyan, D., Wijaya, R. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/10/2015
Application Of Surface Emg Signal On Forearms For Finger Classification International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Eki Dwi Wijanarko, Ary Setijadi P., Tati L. R. Mengko International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Dance Modelling, Learning and Recognition System of Aceh Traditional Dance based on Hidden Markov Model International Conference on Information Technology System and Innovation (ICITSI 2014) Bandung – Bali, 24 – 27 November 2014 ISBN: 978-1-4799-6527-4 Nurfitri Anbarsanti and Ary Setijadi International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Design And Implementation Of Heuristic Intelligent Attack Algorithm In Robot Soccer System Small Size League International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Estiko Rijanto, Arkan Muhammad Irsyad Sadeli International Proceeding Author 12/31/2014
Design And Implementation Of Intelligent Defending Heuristic Algorithm For Small- Size League Robosoccer System International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Feri Siswoyo Hadisantoso, Hilwadi Hindersah, Estiko Rijanto, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Design and Implementation of Kinematics Model and Trajectory Planning for NAO Humanoid Robot in a Tic-Tac-Toe Board Game International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Sebastian Adi Nugroho, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Arief Syaichu Rohman International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Design and Implementation of Machine Vision for Board Game in Lumen Social Robot System International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Petrus Fajar Subekti, Ary Setijadi P, Arief Syaichu Rohman International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Design of Electronic Stethoscope To Prevent Error Analysis Circumstances Heart Patients International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Ade Surya Iskandar, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Developing Educational Interaction of Social Robot With Voice Command Utilization and NAO Robot Basic Motion International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Dena Priyanto and Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
HMM-based Model for Dance Motions with Pose Representation International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Nurfitri Anbarsanti, Ary S. Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Implementation of sEMG-Based Robotic Hand International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Reza Darmakusuma, Ary S. Prihatmanto, Adi Indrayanto, Tati L. Mengko International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Implementation Of Small Laplacian Spatial Filter For Mu Rhythm Acqusition In BCI2000 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Tati L.R. Mengko, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, dan Adi Indrayanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
IMUNES : Design and Implementation Temperature and Heartbeat Sensors in Measuring Vital Sign through Watch International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Tresna Aglis Salawasna, Yoga Priyana, Ary Setijadi P International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Multi-Object Tracking and Detection System based on Feature Detection of the Intelligent Transportation System International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, Nurfitri Anbarsanti, Ary S. Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Revisit: Pattern Recognition of Mu-Rhythm Using Autoregressive and Linier Classifier International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Reza Darmakusuma, Ary S. Prihatmanto, Adi Indrayanto, Tati L. Mengko International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Shesop Design and Implementation as a Smart Healthcare System Service International Conference on Information Technology System and Innovation (ICITSI 2014) Bandung – Bali, 24 – 27 November 2014 ISBN: 978-1-4799-6527-4 Anang Dista Satria, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, and Tunggal Mardiono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
State Thresholding to Accelerate Reinforcement Learning International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 24-25 November 2014, Bandung, Indonesia Safreni Candra Sari, Widyawardana Adiprawita, Ary Setijadi Prihatmato, Kuspriyanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ARCHITECTURE BEAT ME INTEGRATED SYSTEM Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Dita Lupita Sari, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto , Agung Harsoyo International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Brain Signal Reference Concept Using Cross Correlation Based for Brain Computer Interface 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME) Bandung, November 7-8, 2013 Beni Rio Hermanto, Tati R. Mengko, Adi Indrayanto, and Ary S. Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-PLANAR PROJECTION SYSTEM FOR VEHICLES HEAD-UP DISPLAY Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION AUDIO PROCESSING IN ANGSTROM BEAGLEBOARD Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Rifki Wijaya, M. Vicky Ghani Aziz, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION KOMPOSER FOR MAKING MUSIC AT BEATME ONLINE USING THE KEYBOARD Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Tatin Suprihatin, Ari Setijadi, Agung Harsono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION LEARNING METHODS HTML5 ON ICODE APPLICATION Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Pebi Pebriadi, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Ary Setijadi P International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF GAMIFICATION ON ICODE APPLICATION Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Abdurohman Nasir, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF GESTURE RECOGNITION WITH KINECT IN IDRESS FITTING SYSTEM Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Charisma Tubagus Setyobudhi, Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF WEB-BASED APPLICATION FOR PERSONAL FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Mulki Indana Zulfa, Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION USER EXPERIENCE AND USABILITY ICODE APPLICATION FOR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Aciek Ida Wuryandari*1 , Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto*2 and Arip Permana International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING EFFECTIVENESS LEARNING C++ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE BY USING APPLICATION ICODE Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Gun Gun Maulana, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
HASH MD5 FUNCTION IMPLEMENTATION AT 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Mochamad Vicky Ghani Aziz, Rifki Wijaya, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
INTEGRATION OF TRAFFIC CAMERA NETWORK & USER GENERATED CONTENT FOR TRAFFIC LOAD BALANCING SYSTEM Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Motor Driver Program On Heavy Machine Gun Model For Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) Proceeding International Conference on ICT for Smart Society 2013, June 13-14, Jakarta, Indonesia Iwan Muhammad Erwin, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS SUPPORT FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Mochamad Vicky Ghani Aziz, Armein Z R, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto , Syahban Rangkuti International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF ESTIMATION HEART DISEASE BY USING MACHINE LEARNING ANN WITHIN ONE YEAR Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Rifki Wijaya#1, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto#2, Kuspriyanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
USER EXPERIENCES EVALUATION ON IDIGITAL MUSEUM PRODUCT USING UEQ BANDUNG PURBA INTERACTIVE APPLICATION CASE STUDY Joint International Conference on rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric Vehicle Technology ,November 26-28, 2013, Bandung-Bali, Indonesia Anang Sularsa, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto and Eko Nugroho International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Case Study: Three Dimensions Biomedical Visualisation on a Full Parallax Hologram Display, 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Aryo Wicaksono, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Agung Harsoyo International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Cloud Computing Reference Model : The Modelling of Service Availability Based on Application Profile and Resource Allocation International Conference on Cloud Computing and Social Networking, 26-27 April 2012 Adityas Widjajarto, Suhono H Supangkat, Yudi S Gondokaryono, Ary S Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Decision System for Robosoccer Based on OODA Lopp, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Prof. Dr.Ir. Kuspriyanto, Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Design and Implementation Application Using Voice Commands Speech Recognition for Electric Transportation (U-Borad), Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Design and implementation Infrared Guitar based on playing chords 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Setiyono, Riyanto; Prihatmanto, Ary Setijadi; Rusmin, Pranoto Hidaya International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Design and Implementation of GIS Data Server Development for 3D Simulation in SAR Operation, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Design and Implementation of Interactive Cyber Exhibition on Virtual Museum of Indonesia 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaISBN 978 – 1 4673 – 2374 – 1 Arief Syaichu Rohman, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Ratri Dwi Kayungyun International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Design and Implemetation of BeatME Server for Networked Musical Performance, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ir. Yoga Priyana, Dr.Ir. Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Fuzzy PID controllers using 8-Bit microcontroller for U-Board speed, control 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Sarin, Sereyvatha; Hindersah, Hilwadi; Prihatmanto, Ary Setijadi International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Joint Action Optimitation for Robotic Soccer Multiagent Using Reinforcement Learning Method, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Prof. Dr.Ir. Kuspriyanto, Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Pattern Recognition of Finger Movement Detection Using Support Vector Machine, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Preliminary Design of Smart Healthcare System, Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
The Design and Implementation Determining Age of Fossils Game Simulation at Virtual Museum of Indonesia (A Case Study at a Museum of Geology) 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaISBN 978 – 1 4673 – 2374 – 1 Yeni Nurhasanah, Arief Syaichu Rohman, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
The design and implementation discovery learning method on virtual museum of Indonesia:(A case study museum of geology for rock materials) 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Sarah, Lia Laela; Prihatmanto, Ary Setijadi; Rusmin, Pranoto Hidaya International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
The Design and Implementation of Social Networking at Virtual Museum of Indonesia (A Case Study: Museum of Geology), Proceeding of International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Bandung, September 11 – 12, 2012. Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
The designing and implementation of a problem based learning in collaborative virtual environments using MMOG Technology 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Aruan, Ferdinand; Prihatmanto, Ary Setijadi; Hindersah, Hilwadi; Kuspriyanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Three Dimensions Medical CBCT Reconstruction and Visualisation Analysis 2012 International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, September 11-12, 2012, Bandung, IndonesiaPrinted ISBN : 978-1-4673-2375-8 Aryo Wicaksono, Agung Harsoyo, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Bicep Brachiis Force Estimation using MAV Method on Assistive Technology Application International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering(ICICI-BME), 8-9 November 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1165-7, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1187H-CDR Reza Darmakusuma, Ary S Prihatmanto, Adi Indrayanto and Tati L. Mengko International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Bicep brachii’s force estimation using MAV method on assistive technology application Proceedings – International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering 2011, ICICI-BME 2011 Darmakusuma, R., Prihatmanto, A.S., Indrayanto, A., Mengko, T.L., International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Development of an Experimental Portable Electroencephalograph (Case Study: Alpha Wave Detector) International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011) 17-19 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0750-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1177H-PRT Ary Setijadi, Ori Novanda, Tati L. R. Mengko International Proceeding Author 12/31/2011
Gathering Information Realtime and Anywhere (GIRA) International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011) 17-19 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0750-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1177H-PRT Aciek Ida Wuryandari and Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Rancang Bangun Roso-01: Strategi Sepak Bola Robot Untuk Micro Robot Soccer Worldcup Tournament 3rd International Conference on e-Learning,23-24 November 2011. ISBN: 978-602-19271-0-6 Dicky Rianto P., Ary Setijadi P., and Estiko Rijanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FRAMEWORK IN ROBOSOCCER (Developing Strategy and Attributes of Agent Based on Dream Team FIFA Players 2010) 2010 AOTULE Postgraduate Conference, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1 – 2 November 2010 A. R.Priyo Hartono Adji, B. Galih Hermawan, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
E-Learning Technology with Scalable Video on Demand (VoD) System Using Adaptive Internet Based Distribution Method Over The Internet 2010 AOTULE Postgraduate Conference, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1 – 2 November 2010 Fitria Badrujalil, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Arief Syaichu Rohman International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
FOUR-STROKE ENGINE SIMULATION (Interactive 3D Four-Stroke Engine Learning Simulator Software) 2010 AOTULE Postgraduate Conference, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1 – 2 November 2010 Dani Hidayatuloh, R Dudi Rudiatna, Lina, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Object Recognation System Based on Local Feature with Nearest Neighbour Search Japan Joint Scientific Symposium 2010 (IJJSS 2010), Bali, 29 – 30 September 2010 Ary Setijadi P., Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin, Karlina Khiyarin Nisa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
PERANCANGAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (NLP) DAN VIRTUAL TUTOR e-Indonesia Initiative 2010 (eII2010)Konferensi dan Temu Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Indonesia, 5-7 Mei 2010, Bandung Ferdinand Aruan, Kuspriyanto, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Hilwadi Hindersyah National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
A Computer Cursor Controlled by Eye Movements and Voluntary Eye Winks Using A Single Channel EOG International Conference on Electrical Engineering nad Informatics 2009 (ICEEI 2009) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi Selangor 5-7 Agustus 2009 Harry Septanto, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Adi Indrayanto International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2009
Using Virtual Tutor Agent to Support Education Processing in Collaborative Virtual Environment e-Indonesia Initiative 2009 (eII2009)Konferensi dan Temu Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Indonesia 24 – 25 Juni 2009, Bandung Ferdinand Aruan, Kuspriyanto, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Hilwadi Hindersyah National Proceeding Co-Author 07/24/2009
Nama Semester SKS Peranan
EL5003:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 1-2015/2016 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) 1-2015/2016 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) III-2014/2015 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) II-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5003:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU II-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5000:Matematika Lanjut II-2014/2015 3 Core
EL4091:Tugas Akhir II (Capstone Design) II-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5006:Desain Aplikasi Interaktif I-2014/2015 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) I-2014/2015 3 Core
EL6003:Teori Game Intelijen I-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5090:Metoda Penelitian I-2014/2015 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) III-2013/2014 3 Core
EL4091:Tugas Akhir II (Capstone Design) II-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5000:Matematika Lanjut II-2013/2014 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) II-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5003:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU II-2013/2014 3 Core
EL4090:Tugas Akhir I (Capstone Design) I-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5090:Metoda Penelitian I-2013/2014 3 Core
EL6003:Teori Game Intelijen I-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5003:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU I-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 3-2012/2013 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 3-2012/2013 2 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 2-2012/2013 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2012/2013 2 Core
EL4014:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 2-2012/2013 3 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 2-2012/2013 3 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 1-2012/2013 3 Core
EL6034:Teori Game Intellijen 1-2012/2013 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2012/2013 2 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 3-2011/2012 2 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 2-2011/2012 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2011/2012 2 Core
EL4014:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 2-2011/2012 3 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 2-2011/2012 3 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 1-2011/2012 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2011/2012 2 Core
EL6114:Komputasi Terdistribusi 1-2011/2012 3 Core
EL6099:Tesis 1-2011/2012 6 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 3-2010/2011 2 Core
EL4014:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 2-2010/2011 3 Core
EL5133:Sistem Intellijen 2-2010/2011 3 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 2-2010/2011 3 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 2-2010/2011 3 Core
EL6099:Tesis 2-2010/2011 6 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2010/2011 2 Core
EL5099:Metoda Penelitian 1-2010/2011 3 Core
EL6114:Komputasi Terdistribusi 1-2010/2011 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2010/2011 2 Core
EL6099:Tesis 3-2009/2010 6 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 2-2009/2010 3 Core
EL4014:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 2-2009/2010 3 Core
EL5133:Sistem Intellijen 2-2009/2010 3 Core
EL6099:Tesis 2-2009/2010 6 Core
EL6099:Tesis 1-2009/2010 6 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 1-2009/2010 3 Core
EL6114:Komputasi Terdistribusi 1-2009/2010 3 Core
EL5132:Desain Aplikasi Media Digital 1-2009/2010 3 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 2-2008/2009 3 Core
EL4014:Grafika Komputer dan Pemrograman GPU 2-2008/2009 3 Core
EL4096:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2008/2009 2 Core
EL5133:Sistem Intellijen 2-2008/2009 3 Core
EL6114:Komputasi Terdistribusi 1-2008/2009 3 Core
EL5130:Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 1-2008/2009 3 Core
EC40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 3-2007/2008 1 Core
EC6041 2-2007/2008 2 Core
EC40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2007/2008 1 Core
EI70Z2 2-2007/2008 6 Core
EI60Z1 2-2007/2008 2 Core
EI60Z1 1-2007/2008 2 Core
Pemrograman GPU dan Grafika Komputer 1-2007/2008 2 Core
EI6211 1-2007/2008 2 Core
EC40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2007/2008 1 Core
Basis Data Enterprise 1-2007/2008 2 Core
EC6041 2-2006/2007 2 Core
EC40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2006/2007 1 Core
13 06/25/2013 2
Rancang Bangun Sistem Navigasi dan Kinematika Gerak Robot Ikan 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 2
Rancang Bangun Smart Sliding Window sebagai Pemandu Wisata Museum Menggunakan Metoda Rapid Prototyping Studi Kasus Museum Geologi Bandung 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 1
Desain dan Implementasi Vision System pada Robotsoccer 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Perancangan Program Identifikasi Obyek Menggunakan KINECT Sebagai Sensor Jarak Untuk Diterapkan Pada System RCWS 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Rancang Bangun Simulator Sistem Pertahanan Udara Terintegrasi Berbasis Tower Defense Game : Perilaku Agen Terhadap Game Objek 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Rancang Bangun Simulator Sistem Pertahanan Udara Terintegrasi Berbasis Tower Defense Game: Tahap Perancangan Awal 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Rancang Bangun Sistem Perangkat Keran Untuk Menentukan Arah Gerak Peluru Pada Multiplayer Shooting Simulator Dengan Menggunakan Ultrasonic Berbasis Embedded System 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Sistem Identifikasi Multi Objek pada Remote Controlled Weapon Station Secara Realtime 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Sistem Penggerak Pada Model Senapan Mesin Berat (SMB) Untuk Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Development of A Distributed Sensor Network and Monitoring System for Ganesha Lower Extermity Exoskeleton (GANEX) 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak pada Shooting Simulator 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Desain dan Implementasi Lapisan Mode Gerak Agen Robot Pada Robotsoccer 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Deteksi Kecepatan Linier Dan Kecepatan Sudut Bola golf Menggunakan Computer Vision 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 2
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Perangkat Keras Thermocycler Untuk Proses PCR 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Simulasi Waktu – Nyata dengan Modelica 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 1
Rancang Bangun Sistem Navigasi Pada Nao-Humanoid Robot Penari 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 3
Sistem PCR : Antarmuka Pengguna Dan Pengolahan Citra Hasil Gel Electrophoresis 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 2
Studi Kasus Vsualisasi Biomedis Tiga Dimensi Pada Layar Hologram Full Parallax 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 2
Studi Klasifikasi Sinyal SEMG Jari Tangan Dengan Metode Support Vector Machine 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Aplikasi Moving Window Untuk Deteksi Segmen Lagu Secara Real-Time pada Nao Robot Penari 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 3
Desain dan Implementasi Aplikasi Perintah Suara Menggunakan Speech Recognition untuk Transportasi Elektrik (U-Board) 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Desain dan Implementasi BeatME Sebagai Networked Music Performance (NMP) System 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 1
Aplikasi Sinyal EMG Dalam Pengendalian Aktuator Eksoskeleton Pengangkat Barang 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Desain dan Implementasi Interactive Cyber Exhibition pada Virtual Museum of Indonesia (Studi Kasus Museum Geologi) 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Desain dan Implementasi Jejaring Sosial pada Virtual Museum of Indonesia 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Desain dan Implementasi Pengembangan Seerver Data GIS untuk Aplikasi Simulasi 3D pada Operasi SAR 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 1
Desain dan Implementasi Simulasi Permainan Penentuan Usia Fosil pada Virtual Museum of Indonesia 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Desain dan Implemtasi Metoda Pembelajaran “Discovery Learning” pada Virtual Museum of Indonesia 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Design and Implementation of Fuzzy PID Controller Using 8-bit Microcontroller for U-Board Speed Control 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 2
Implementasi Teknik Inverse Kinematics dan Sistem Transfer Gerak pada Pergerakan Robot Penari Humanoid 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Implementasi XNA 4.0 Untuk Visualisasi Dan Graphical User Interface Pada Sistem Simulator Golf 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Implementasi Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) pada Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) dan Pengaturan Parameternya untuk Pemodelan Fluida 01/01/2012 10/01/2012 1
Pemodelan Gerakan Bola Golf Pada Sistem Simulator Golf 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 2
Pengembangan Aplikasi Pusat Pengambilan Keputusan Pada Sistem Eksoskeleton Pengangkat Barang 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Perakitan Perangkat Keras Dan Perancangan Sistem Sensor Untuk Sistem Kendali Posisi Pada Sistem Eksoskeleton Pengangkat Barang 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Perancangan Algoritma Sistem Teleoperasi Manusia Ke Robot Humanoid Untuk Tubuh Bagian Bawah Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Analitis 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 3
Perancangan dan Implementasi Arsitektur, Klasifikasi dan Integrasi untuk Alat Transportasi Generasi Lanjut U-Board 01/01/2012 06/28/2012 1
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Embedded Controller Untuk Thermocycler PCR 01/01/2012 05/26/2012 2
Perancangan dan Realisasi Sistem Pendeteksi Gerakan untuk Aplikasi Interaktif dengan Menggunakan Framework 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Pengembangan Model Pertumbuhan Tanaman Menggunakan Metoda Parametrik unden Mayer System 08/01/2011 03/19/2012 2
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile Pemandu dalam Mendukung Digitalisasi Museum 08/01/2011 03/19/2012 2
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kehadiran dengan Menggunakan Pengenalan Wajah 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Efek Meleleh pada Simulasi Fluida dengan Metode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Desain dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Visualisasi Simulasi H2O 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang Bangun Roso-01 : Strategi Sepak Bola Robot untuk Micro Robot Soccer Wordcup Tournament 01/01/2011 10/11/2011 1
Rancang Bangun Pengurai (Parser) Bahasa Indonesia untuk Aplikasi RESTU 01/01/2011 10/11/2011 1
Desain dan Implementasi Ecommesrce di CV Wijaya Indira untuk Mengembangkan Pemasaran 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Desain dan Implementasi Aplikasi Augmented Reality untuk Mendapatkan Bayangan dari Obyek 3D 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Simulasi Aliran Darah dalam Pembuluh Darah Manusia dengan Metoda Lagrange Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang bangung Restu’s an Engine for Synthetic Thespian Unit (RESTU) : Subsistem Penentuan Posisi Pengguna Berdasarkan Data Visual 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang Bangun RESTU’S An Engine for Synthetic Thespian Units (RESTU) : Virtual Character Interaction Model 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang Bangun Game Pramuka : Perilaku Agent Terhadap Game Object 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang Bangun Game Pramuka : Pengukuran Kinerja 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang – Bangun RESTU’s an Engine for Synthetic Thespian Units (RESTU) : Subsistem Penentuan Posisi Pengguna Berdasarkan Sinyal Suara (SPEACAL) 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi Neurofeedback dengan Masukan Rasio Sinyal Otak Theta/Beta 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Perancangan dan Analisis Model Matematis Serta Dinamika PErmainan pada Digital Board Game Landwar 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Rancang Bangun Media Informasi Digital Menggunakan Multitouch Table Interface dan Bluetooth 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Brain Mapping 2-D Sinyal Alpha untuk EEG 4 Kanal : Sebuah Pendekatan Interpolasi Bilinear 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Design of An Edutainment System for Public Spaces Implementing a Rear Diffused Illumination Multitouch Table Interface 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Tracking pada Meja Multitouch untuk Aplikasi Digital Board Game Land War 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Pemodelan dan Validasi Persamaan Tekanan Bernoulli Menggunakan Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Pada Kasus Sayap Pesawat 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Pemodelan Matematis Pemompaan Jantung pada Simulator Kardiovaskular 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Simulasi Interaksi Realtime Fluida Solid dengan Metode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) (Pada Kasus : Game Simulasi Bisnis dan Keselamatan Kerja Transportasi Minyak Bawah Laut) 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Deteksi Posisi Pada Bidang Sentuh Melalui Pengolahan Sinyal Audio Dengan Menggunakan Metode Jaringan Saraf Tiruan 08/01/2010 03/22/2011 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Kalsifikasi Sinyal EOG dengan Fuzzy Logic dan Neural Network untuk Kendali Kursor Mouse pada PC 08/01/2010 03/22/2011 1
Implementasi Brand Image M-Tour Food sebagai Bagian dari Produk M-Tour 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
Simulasi Penggunaan Lahan dengan Menggunakan Pemodelan Berbasis Agen pada Simfity 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Perancangan Simulator untuk Pengembangan OBDH Satelit, Studi Kasus LAPAN TUBSAT 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Rangkaian Analog Electroencephalohraph 16 Kanal 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Perilaku Non Player Character dalam Racing Game Menggunakan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Mobile Advertising Berbasis Image Recognition 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 2
Pembentukan Harga dengan Metoda Kurva Elastisitas Harga 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Design and Implementation of a Collaborative PC Game System using Tabletop User Interface 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 1
Desain dan Implementasi Perilaku Non Player Character pada Game Flipscape 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Desain dan Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Gitar pada Produk Prince of Guitar 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Desain dan Implementasi Interaksi Pemain Menggunakan Tiupan 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
Desain dan Implementasi Antarmuka Pengguna pada Produk Prince of Guitar 01/01/2010 10/04/2010 1
3D Panzer Simulator Design and Implementation 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Actual Mobile Guide for Tourist : Sistem Pengenalan Objek Berbasis Fitur Lokal dengan Pencarian Tetangga Terdekat 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
Aplikasi Pengenalan Objek Metoda Hybrid N-Feature Neural Network 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
M-Guide untuk Turis Sebagai Penerapan Layanan Berbasis Lokasi 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Pengolahan Citra untuk Memperoleh Posisi dan Orientasi Robot Menggunakan Metode Homografi 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
Simulasi Demografi pada Simulasi dan Informasi Kota (SIMFOTY) 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 1
Speech Recognition Menggunakan Julius Berbasis Bahasa Indonesia Serta Implementasinya pada Aplikasi Software 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Desain dan Implementasi Narator Digital dengan Model 3D Menggunakan Aplikasi Text to Speech 08/01/2009 03/22/2010 1
Simulasi dan Analisis Kemampuan Cluster SSI Multicore Kerrighed dalam Menjalankan Program Paralel untuk Server Aplikasi Online Interaktif 08/01/2009 03/23/2010 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Pencarian Koordinat Titik-titik Pusat Objek Sentuh pada Sistem Multi-Touch Berbasis Teknologi Frustated Total Internal Reflection 08/01/2009 03/23/2010 2
Desain dan Implementasi Model Prilaku Agen Pengendara Sepeda Motor Pada Misi Pengantaran Penumpang Game Driving RPG 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 2
Desain dan Implementasi Simulasi Dinamika dan Penyobekan Kertas Secara Real Time Menggunakan Model Spring_Mass 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 1
Estimasi volume Tanah dan Waktu Pengerjaan Proses Cut and Fill Melalui Pemodelan Lahan Tile Based Terrain 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 2
Implementasi Pengendali dan Aktuator Motor DC pada Platform 3D Scanner 01/01/2009 06/30/2009 2
Pendeteksian Gerak Boneka Menggunakan Aplikasi Penangkapan Gerak (Motion Capture Application) Dengan Menggunakan Kamera Web Untuk Menggerakkan Karakter Digital 3 Dimensi 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Metode Triangulasi pada Platform 3D Scanner 01/01/2009 06/30/2009 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Lalu Lintas Perkotaan Maya untuk Game Petualangan Berkendara 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 2
Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Pendukung Proses Produksi 01/01/2009 06/30/2009 2
Animasi Grafik Komputer 3D pada Sistem Boneka Virtual dengan Menggunakan Penanda Warna 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 1
Perancangan Terrain Dengan Metoda Tilebase Terrain dan Animasi Aliran Air 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 2
Analisis Komputasi Program Paralel Perkalian Matriks pada Jaringan Komputer Homogen dan Heterogen Cluster Linux dan Cluster SSI Kerrighed 01/01/2009 06/30/2009 1
Aplikasi µ- Rhytem Gelombang Otak pada Implementasi Motor Imaginary Pengontrol WMR 01/01/2009 06/30/2009 1
Desain dan Implementasi Kelas Fleksibel yang mendukung Microsimulation Pada Pembangunan Game Simulasi Kota 01/01/2009 06/29/2009 1
Pengembangan Metode Pemilihan Classifier pada Proses Klasifikasi Data Self-Paced Key Typing Menggunakan Kombinasi PPNN dan SVM 08/01/2008 03/31/2009 2
Kendali Telerobotika Berbasis Gestur Menggunakan Wilmote 08/01/2008 03/31/2009 1
Pengembangan Elektroensefalograf Portabel Eksperimental (Studi Kasus : Detektor Gelombang Alfa 08/01/2008 03/31/2009 2
Perancangan Sistem Seni Multimedia Interaktif Dengan Sensor PIR dan Perangkat Lunak Pure Data 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Teknologi Interaksi Pengguna dan Realisme Grafik pada Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Game 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem User Monitoring Akuisisi Data dan Evaluasi pada Air Combat Flight Simulator (Studi Kasus : GL-117 Flight Simulator) 01/01/2008 09/08/2008 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Server MMOG pada Game Real Time Strategy (Studi Kasus : Game Sultan Agung) 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Model Perilaku Driving-Agent Untuk Simulasi Lalu Lintas Mikroskopik 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 2
Perancangan dan Implementasi Interaksi Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality pada Game Mitigasi Banjir 01/01/2008 08/25/2008 1
Pengenalan Gerak Berbasis Accelerometer pada Wiimote sebagai Input Program DYA 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1
Pengembangan Visualisasi Terrain pada Simulator Tank Menggunakan Metoda Heightmap 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 1
Pemilahan Self-Paced-Key-Typing Data dengan Menggunakan Naive Bayesian Classifier dan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan-Back Propagation 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 2
Interaksi Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality pada Aplikasi Music DyA 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1
DesainPerilaku Agent pada Game Strategi (Studi kasus Game RTS Sultan Agung) 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 1
Desain dan Implementasi Pengenalan Ucapan Dengan Fitur Formant Tracker pada Platform Personal (PC) dan Mikrokontroller 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1
Desain dan Implementasi Music Score Generator Berbasis Midi Pada Palikasi DyA Music 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1
Desain dan Implementasi Model Fluida dengan Metoda Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) pada Aplikasi Simulasi Banjir Interaktif dan Interaksinya dengan Obyek 01/01/2008 09/19/2008 1
Pengembangan Algoritma Pendeteksi Jalan Berbasis Metode Opencv Reverse Optical Flow, Template Matching dan Dynamic Programming Serta Implementasinya Pada Mobile-Based Robot 01/01/2008 07/02/2008 1
Perancangan dan Simulasi Rangkaian Adder dan Multiplier 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1
Sistem Band Musik Digital pada Portable PC Berbasiskan Web 01/01/2008 07/02/2008 2
Pengolahan Citra dan Deteksi Wajah pada Sistem Pengenalan Wajah 01/01/2007 06/28/2007 2
Sistem Pengenalan Wajah Berbasis Metoda Fisherface 01/01/2007 06/28/2007 2