The field of telecommunications has grown rapidly over the last 3 decades. Developments in the next decade are expected to be much faster, especially in the areas of wireless telecommunications, the convergence of telecommunications and computers, and the demands for new services triggered by the development of the Internet. This acceleration of development is mainly due to advances in component and computer technology. In addition, these changes are also supported by urgent market demands (market-pull) due to globalization. At the global level, telecommunications infrastructure will become the “central nervous system” of economic globalization. Meanwhile, in the national context, telecommunications and its application systems will be key technologies in increasing efficiency, productivity and national competitiveness.
To anticipate the phenomenon of the rapid development of the telecommunications sector, the most significant and most prioritized aspect, by leading universities such as ITB, is preparing human resources as actors and supporters. The preparation of these human resources needs to be studied from the aspect of an adequate number and superior quality.
With the rapid development of the telecommunications sector, the industry and demand for telecommunications services will grow rapidly in accordance with the demands of the information age. To anticipate these developments, it is necessary to prepare sufficient human resources, both in terms of quantity and quality that meet a recognized competency standard.
In developing and planning the curriculum of the Telecommunication Engineering Study Program, the vision and mission of the Telecommunication Engineering Study Program are determined by referring to the vision and mission of ITB and SEEI, so that the qualifications and competencies of graduates produced can be determined.
The Telecommunication Engineering Study Program is an interdisciplinary program, which requires a combination of knowledge covering the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Economics, and Policy, in addition to the basic sciences and mathematics as the basis of engineering.
Students in this program are given the opportunity to study and expand their analytical thinking and problem solving skills in the field of telecommunications engineering. They are also ready and capable of designing implementation of new technologies in order to meet the needs of today’s society.
This program provides students with an integrated educational experience directed at understanding the practice of science and engineering, as well as enhancing their ability to identify and find effective and efficient solutions to practical problems in the field of telecommunications engineering.
This program ensures that students’ abilities and experiences in design and analysis are achieved by providing a sequential and integrated practical and laboratory education, which is outlined in the curriculum.
Graduates of the Telecommunication Engineering Program will have broad career prospects, because telecommunications engineering competencies are required by various national and multinational sectors, including telecommunications operators and vendors; satellite communications industry; radio, television, broadcasting, multimedia industry; radar and navigation industry; banking industry and financial institutions; oil and mining industry; research and education institutions; government agency; academic professions and research institutions; entrepreneurs and consulting/contracting companies; creative industry; aviation and aircraft industry, armed forces and maritime; electric power industry; internet service providers; etc.