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STEI student participated in Huawei Seeds For The Future 2017

STEI student participated in Huawei Seeds For The Future 2017

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SHENZHEN – For the fifth time PT Huawei Indonesia held the Seeds For The Future program, a global CSR program of Huawei Technologies (HWI) that sends the best students from Indonesia flying to China to get closer to information technology innovation technology ( ICT) at Huawei Technologies headquarters in Shenzhen City, China.

From Indonesia, Huawei sends 10 students from 7 best state universities (PTN) in Java Island. They were recruited from their respective campuses on the basis of the campus recommendations to Huawei Indonesia.

For the final selection stage, Huawei gives them the challenge of making a short video containing their profile and why they are the most worthy of the program.

From STEI-ITB, participated Ghazy Mahendra (21), ITB Telecommunication Engineering student.

Other students are Fariz Azhar Abdillah (21) student of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia; Kadek Dwi Pradnyana (21), UI student of Digital Signal Processing Department at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Aini Novianty (20) Informatics Engineering student from Padjadjaran University, Bandung; Sarah Lasroma Manalu (24), Electrical Engineering student Institute November 10, Surabaya (ITS); Usman Hakiki (20), ITS Multimedia Technology student; Danur Ilham Khoiruman (22), Electrical Engineering student of Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang; Kadek Gemilang Santiyuda (20), student of Computer Science Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta; Arina Amalia (20), UGM Electrical Engineering Graduate student; and Sabrina Chairunnisa (20), Electrical Engineering student of Telkom University.

For 14 days in China, they are invited to get closer to innovation in the field of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT) at Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen City.

They attended the workshop, visited the Huawei research center, to see closely the production process of Huawei’s ICT products. Previously, during the week they were in Beijing. In the capital of the People’s Republic of China they are invited to get closer to Chinese culture and traditions, including learning Chinese from teachers of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). There, they also learn Chinese calligraphy art.

In the program Seeds For The Future 2017, participants from Indonesia joined the student participants from three other countries. Namely from Austrlia, Turkey and Burkina Faso (Africa).

The Seeds For The Future program started with Huawei since 2008 with students from various parts of the world where Huawei’s business is present. The program is run to address the gap between student-acquired knowledge on campus and the real practice in the ICT industry as well as to transfer knowledge transfer from global Huawei ICT professionals to students.

In this program, Huawei’s professionals also share their experiences on how to manage multinational companies in the field of ICT such as Huawei, including Huawei’s contribution in the development of a local ICT company where Huwei runs its business in the country.

Every year, Huawei invites about 1000 students to Huawei headquarters and discuss the future trends of the ICT industry and how the strategy seizes the opportunities. In total, 96,000 students from 96 countries have attended the Seeds For The Future program.

Participants from Indonesia who participated in this program were recruited from the SmartGen program. Total since 2013, to date, 80 students from 12 leading universities (including polytechnics) from Indonesia are joining the program.

Author: Choirul Arifin

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