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Take a Peek at the 5G Conditions in the Future Through the 5G EE Days Technology Seminar

Take a Peek at the 5G Conditions in the Future Through the 5G EE Days Technology Seminar

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – As the times change, communication technology is also growing. Today’s world, including Indonesia, is using 4G technology for communication activities. On the other hand, the world is developing a more sophisticated 5G technology. The emergence of this new technology must be truly prepared by Indonesia so that later it will not only be a connoisseur, but also be a player in it.

Departing from this, the School of Electrical Engineering (STEI) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) organizes seminars and talkshows about 5G technology in the East Hall of ITB Campus, Jalan Ganesha, No. 10, Bandung, Wednesday (7/8/2019). The talkshows were filled with speakers from academia, government, and industry with the hope of establishing collaboration and synergy to welcome the presence of 5G technology in the future.

“The upcoming technology is no longer 4G, but 5G which has a connection with the presence of Industry 4.0. It is predicted that in the next 10 years IoT technology will be installed whose communication is to use 5G, “said STEI ITB Lecturer Ir. Adi Indrayanto M.Sc., Ph.D., As the moderator and the initiator of the talkshow. He said that changes in sophisticated and very fast technology were controlled by many developed countries.

For this reason, Indonesia must prepare itself for changes that will occur in the future. The preparation in question is how to get future generations ready to get involved in producing, or making added value with 5G. “Don’t just be consumptive but also productive. To be able to go that way, not only ITB, but all parties must be involved, “he said.

For that, the seminar invited several parties as speakers namely Dr. Ir. Jumain Appe, Msi as the Director General of Innovation Strengthening Kemenristekdikti; Ir. Eddy Satriya, MA as Assistant Deputy of Telematics and Utilities of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs; Denny Setiawan ST, MT as Director of SDPPI Resources Management; and Eko Yulianto Widodo as Head of Sub Directorate of Information Technology and Office Communication Equipment Industry and Professional Electronics.

The discussion also invited representatives from the industry namely Dominikus Susanto as Senior Manager of Business Development Qualcomm and guided by Ir. Adi Indrayanto M.Sc., Ph.D., with the talkshow topic “Indonesia Readiness in Facing the 5G Era.”

“The purpose of this event is to gather stakeholders, especially from government. Because after all developing countries that can drive change from the government in this case can be seen from the resulting policy products, “he said.

Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and ITB Partnership Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono directly opened the talkshow. In his remarks, he said 5G technology is currently being developed in various parts of the world. ITB itself has a special team that is ready to welcome the years when 5G will be present in Indonesia. “For 5G we want to start earlier (in research) of course while waiting for the 5G standards as set and chosen by Indonesia,” said Prof. Bambang.

ITB has coordinated in STEI related to the development of 5G technology both with government and industry. The coordination is related to creating 5G-based domestic products. “We have agreed that Indonesia wants to contribute to it not only as a market for 5G technology. We need to make a study of the needs of 5G, especially in terms of what can be saved by us contributing to some 5G products or devices. That is a ‘homework’ that must be reviewed by several institutions, but we will start first at ITB, “he said.

EE Days 2019

The seminar was included in a series of 2019 Electrical Engineering Days (EE Days) events. The event was an exhibition of research results of STEI students’ final assignments . This year, there are 28 exhibition stands displayed.

“Why on EE Days? Because ITB every year produces innovative products that are no less sophisticated than developed countries, which can be explored by the public, “Adi Indrayanto explained.

At the event, the tools made by students will be demonstrated to the examiners in the final assignment session. While for the exhibition, it is intended that students are expected to be able to communicate the issues raised and their solutions with the tools that have been made.

“The EE Days event has entered its 8th implementation. This year there are 28 student works on display. The exhibits were all kinds, the results of their work ranging from laboratory equipment, defense equipment, helping people drive, health, e-commerce, and various others, “added Arif Sasongko, ST., MT., Ph.D., lecturer at STEI ITB and Head of Electrical Engineering Bachelor Program.

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