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STEI Brings Home Three Titles at GEMASTIK 2022

STEI Brings Home Three Titles at GEMASTIK 2022

The Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Research and Technology officially closed the National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK) on November 24, 2022. In the national talent competition which lasted 4 days in a hybrid manner, Institut Teknologi Bandung won four championship titles; three championship titles were presented by students from the informatics engineering study program.

Data Mining Division
First Place: Menambang Emas

Game Application Development Division
Second Place: Kecubung Studio

Data Mining Division
Contender : Aurora

Head of BPTI and Acting Head of Puspresnas, Asep Sukmayadi, expressed the importance of forming the Gemastik alumni community as a forum for developing the talents of Indonesia’s best students in the field of information and communication technology.

“Through Gemastik, it is hoped that Indonesia’s young generation will be able to hone self-empathy as part of an intellectual community that contributes positively to providing innovative solutions to various existing problems,” Asep said in the Closing and Awarding of the XV Gemastik 2022 at the Algorithm Auditorium of UB’s Philosophy of Science (24/11 /2022).

The final round of Gemastik XV this year involved 11 divisions participated by 224 teams from universities throughout Indonesia and involved judges from UPI, Telkom University, UGM, IPB, ITB, ITS, Tanjungpura University, UB, Amikom University Yogyakarta, ISI Surakarta, Unpas, Duta Wacana Christian University, Binus, Gunadarma University, UI, and professional practitioners.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, Deputy Chancellor III Universitas Brawijaya, Abdul Hakim expressed his support and readiness to continue to develop the next Gemastik event as concrete proof of Freedom to Learn outside of the regular student teaching and learning activities. Abdul Hakim, as the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs at Universitas Brawijaya, reminded the importance of participating in competitions.

“Losing and winning in races is common. But how do we interpret the extraordinary experience, joining together from our friends from other universities is hard to come by. Education without other soft skill development activities will be difficult when you become an alumni later, “said Abdul.