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Simultaneous Safety Drill Simulation in SEEI ITB Ganesha and Jatinangor Buildings

Simultaneous Safety Drill Simulation in SEEI ITB Ganesha and Jatinangor Buildings

Friday, October 28, 2022 at around 10.30 WIB, the loud rings of emergency alarm shocked people in the area of ​​the buildings belonging to STEI ITB: Labtek V, Labtek VIII, laboratory buildings, including the KOICA Jatinangor Building. A moment later, there was an announcement: there had been an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 on the Richter Scale (SR).

Leaving the building when the earthquake is occurring is forbidden. The self-rescue procedure is carried out by hiding in a safe place, such as the bottom of a table, and protecting oneself from head injuries (drop, cover, and hold on).

Meanwhile a fire occurred in the PLN-ITB cooperation building which is also managed by STEI ITB. After the fire alarm rang, the occupants of the building immediately evacuated to a safer place. One unit of ITB’s fire engine was deployed in the incident. The fire was swiftly extinguished.

The first aid team and floor captain gave evacuation directions to the nearest assembly point. In this incident, one victim suffered a broken bone. The victim was successfully evacuated by the K3G team and the first aid team.

All of these incidents were not real events, but part of the simultaneous Safety Drill activities carried out by STEI ITB. This activity must be followed by all members of the community who are active in the STEI ITB Building, without exception. The scope of this Safety Drill includes simulation of earthquakes and fires.

After the complete safety drill process finished and the K3G team gave directions, the occupants of the building were welcome to return and continue their activities.

According to one of the STEI ITB K3G Coordinators, Habibur Muhaimin S.T., M.Sc., safety drill exercises need to be carried out regularly in order to build awareness about work safety. Disasters often come unexpectedly, so it is necessary to build awareness with training; so that when real events occur, we can be better prepared.