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Yuli Cahyono Elected as Head of ITB Informatics Alumni Association

Yuli Cahyono Elected as Head of ITB Informatics Alumni Association

Based on the Informatics Engineering Alumni Association (Ikatan Alumni Teknik Informatika, IAIF) Congress which was held on Sunday, January 23, 2022 in Bandung, the Informatics Alumni Association officially chose Yuli Cahyono (Informatics Engineering ’98) as head of the Informatics Engineering Alumni Association for the 2022-2026 term.

The School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering congratulates Mr. Yuli Cahyono on his election as head of the Informatics Alumni Association, and thanks Mr. Hariyono (Informatics Engineering ’85) who has served as head of the Informatics Alumni Association in 2017-2022.