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Proud and Touched Atmosphere Fills the STEI ITB Graduation Procession Event July 2021

Proud and Touched Atmosphere Fills the STEI ITB Graduation Procession Event July 2021

This graduation ceremony took place on July 18, 2020. At the time of the event, there was a lot of enthusiasm from the family and friends of the graduates who congratulated them warmly and proudly.

Opened by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and continued with congratulations from the Dean of STEI, Dr. Tutun Juhana ST., MT. He said not to forget to always be grateful because even with difficult circumstances, graduates can still complete their studies well, and continue to contribute to ITB, especially STEI.

“Hopefully what has been obtained in the form of knowledge and experience can be useful in producing works and for the nation,” said Dr. techn. Saiful Akbar, as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs STEI ITB.

Then continued by Dr. Widyawardana Adiprawita, ST., MT. as the Deputy Dean of Resources for STEI ITB who congratulated the graduates who had changed status and also to the parents who contributed to their child’s lecture process at STEI ITB. The value of graduates has also increased higher than when they were new students. Dr. Widyawardana invites graduates to prove that it is true that we have the right to get this value increase bypassing this graduation.

This event also invited Soleh Ayubi, Chief Transformation & Digital Officer of Biofarma to give motivational words to graduates.

“Today is yours, tomorrow is promised to no one. Today is our time to celebrate joy after going through many things, but enough for today, don’t get carried away,” explained Soleh Ayubi.

Soleh Ayubi also explained that in the last 10 years the world, especially in Indonesia, has experienced various changes contributed by technological developments such as in the fields of E-commerce, Rideshare Service, Digital Bank, to Healthcare.

It also shows how the quality of a leader is divided into 4 parts, namely Business Acumen, Global Mindset, Driving Execution, and one of the concepts of BUMN, namely AKHLAK (Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, dan Kolaboratif or Trust, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative).

After that, photos, videos, and information on the predicate of the graduate participants were displayed as a form of summoning graduates which could not be carried out directly in the Sabuga building as usual. Each study program will be opened by remarks from each Head of Study Program.

The event continued until it entered the graduation procession from Dr. Tutun Juhana, ST., MT. as the Dean of STEI ITB to alumni from the ITB Electrical Alumni Association (IAE) represented by M. Amin Sulthoni and the ITB Informatics Alumni Association (IA-IF) represented by Ismir Kamili.

Feby Eliana Tengry from Information Technology and Systems study program, and Ir. Darmodjo Setyawan, parents of the Yoga Putera graduates of the Electrical Engineering study program were the representatives to convey the words of the graduates and their parents.

Based on the data obtained, the total number at the July 2021 STEI ITB graduation was 243 graduates with the following details.
S1 Electrical Engineering (38 Graduates)
S1 Informatics Engineering (59 Graduates)
S1 Electrical Power Engineering (24 Graduates)
S1 Telecommunication Engineering (24 Graduates)
S1 Information Technology and Systems (26 Graduates)
S1 Biomedia Engineering (12 Graduates)
S2 Electrical Engineering (39 Graduates)
S2 Informatics (10 Graduates)
S3 Electrical and Informatics Engineering (5 Graduates)
Engineer Profession (6 Graduates)

(Article by Rio Prawira Octavieri, D4 Media Production Management Universitas Padjadjaran)