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Survey of Platforms for Massive IoT by Devananda (with permission)

Survey of Platforms for Massive IoT by Devananda (with permission)

 Sarwono Sutikno

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Survey of Platforms for Massive IoT by Devananda (with permission)

Devananda is student of Electrical Engineering Study Program
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
The paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the final score of EL5141 Perencanaan Sumber Daya Enterprise (will be IoT Technology)
IoT platform technology developments has increased due to emerging of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. IoT platform are utilized to facilitate IoT development. Furthermore, IoT systems are now gaining traction in the market. Each platform offers unique and valuable services and features. Therefore, this paper aims to do a survey to determine the parameters and criteria to compare a massive IoT platform. Additionally, it surveys and analyzes using several parameters or criteria to compare several IoT platforms that refer to a few types of research such as a review of 20 different IoT platforms by Hamdan Hejazi et al., the specific survey of IoT cloud platforms by Partha Pratim Ray, and Comparison of IoT platforms for cyber-physical systems (CPS) by Yohanes Yohanie Fridelin Panduman et al. The results of comparing IoT platforms show that some IoT platforms, such as KAA platform and Microsoft Azure IoT, have met these criteria because they have used Digital Twin technology to virtualize physical entities from the device to the server and be able to know the conditions of the device for its environment. Moreover, this paper explains several problems that exist in today’s IoT platform, which is standardize, heterogeneity, middleware, IoT node identity, energy management, context awareness, and fault tolerance. As a result of this research, a study of IoT-valued large data clouds will be conducted in the near future. Future studies could include a full comparison and description of cloud platforms, Standardized Protocols for the Internet of Things, and IoT platform kinds.
Keywords—Internet, IoT, Platforms, Comparison
Note: the similarity check using turnitin is 53%. Quiet high, but I think it is still acceptable because it is a survey paper and also a result of learning journey
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Devananda-Survey of Platforms for Massive IoT

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