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A Closer Look at ITB Education Open House

A Closer Look at ITB Education Open House

As an annual agenda, the ITB Education Open House will be held again in the West Hall and East Hall, on Saturdays and Sundays, 14-15 December 2019. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Every year, thousands of visitors always flock to ITB during the Open House, this year is no exception. It was recorded that 20,000 people were registered in the registration that was opened online before.

A total of 12 faculty/department stands or booths and dozens of student association stands were also exhibited. Visitors can ask as much as they like about the department’s study program at ITB, student association activities, academic and non-academic achievements, and research that has been and is being worked on. In addition, there are presentations from each Faculty / School in ITB.