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Dwi Hendratmo, Machine Learning Expert from ITB

Dwi Hendratmo, Machine Learning Expert from ITB

The term machine learning may still not be so familiar to us. Even so, machine learning is one of the important fields of science that is widely applied in today’s life. In Indonesia, for example, the recommended features on e-commerce applications that we commonly use are examples of the application of machine learning.

Prof. Dwi Hendratmo W., Ph.D is one of the experts in this field. The man who currently serves as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the School of Electrical and Information Technology ITB said that he had actually been in this field since he finished his undergraduate education. In fact, at that time machine learning itself was still not as popular as it is now.

Until in the end, he was pursuing this field in total when undergoing S2 and S3 in Texas, United States. Machine learning became the topic that he raised for the theme of his thesis and dissertation at that time. This matter finally continues until now, where he is also continuing research in the field of machine learning, both in terms of theory and its application.

Machine Learning is a Branch of Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dwi believes that machine learning can be said to be part of AI. Because machines or computers are designed to be able to learn emotions, attitudes, and human habits.

So, is it possible that in the future there will be a computer that can have its own feelings and emotions? To answer this question, Prof. Dwi said that the topic is currently being developed in the research world. He did not deny the possibility that in the future – with the data currently owned – computers could be created that could mimic human emotions.

Machine Learning and Indonesia

When asked about the gap between science and technology between Indonesia and developed countries like America, the man who obtained his master’s and doctoral degrees at Texas A&M University explained that the significant difference only exists in funding or funding.

Prof. Dwi explained that in developed countries there are already special organizations such as the NSF which have special funds for the development of the latest research. Technically, these organizations challenge researchers to find solutions to new problems that still have no solution. Whereas in Indonesia, we have not yet reached this stage, because at present our country is more focused on finding ways to apply the results of the research to the interests of the wider community.

Currently Prof. Dwi tries to be more consistent in researching and following the latest developments in the field of machine learning, also conducting research by maximizing existing funds and facilities. In addition, his role as a lecturer and teacher also demands to be able to produce outputs such as quality publications and papers.

In addition to publications, Prof. Dwi also developed prototypes of applied machine learning products, such as intelligent surveillance platforms or smart surveillance where he utilizes machine learning technology to analyze content from videos into forms of information that can be accessed quickly.

Prof. Dwi also advised his students to study diligently by maximizing all available facilities. According to him, machine learning is a field that will dominate in the future, so that the sciences learned during college will certainly be used in all fields.


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