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Indrarini Dyah Iriawati, Productive Doctoral Program Graduate in Journal Writing

Indrarini Dyah Iriawati, Productive Doctoral Program Graduate in Journal Writing

Initially rejected at the beginning, did not make Indrariani Dyah Irawati discouraged in writing a journal. It became a trigger for her to study even harder until finally her research could be disseminated into Q2, Q3, and Q4 qualified journals.

Indrarini is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Doctoral Program. Her motivation in keeping a journal cannot be separated from the encouragement of promoters since college in the first year. According to her, writing a journal is a form of self-appreciation for the achievements of the research conducted.

Among the journals that have been made and successfully distributed, there is one journal that makes it most memorable, namely the paper entered in the International Journal of Communication Network and Information Security (IJCNIS). The initial refusal did not make her back up, instead it ignited its enthusiasm to continue to improve.

According to her, studying at ITB has its own impression, especially the in the major that are rarely favored by women. “Electrical Engineering is cool precisely because women are rarely interested, I’m curious. And it turned out that getting into Electrical Engineering was exciting especially as the Electrical Engineering knowledge was always developing, ” she told the ITB Reporter.

“Studying at ITB is a thankful process. I can enjoy, I have mentors that clearly guide, and has friends who are like family,” she said.

In addition to her role as a student, she also had to play the role of mother and wife in the family. For her, the family can not be separated to be one of the success factors. “Alhamdulillah, my family is very supportive. To maintain the quality of family relationships, I always leave early in the morning, taking the children to school, so I have time to talk with the children. At 7:00 am my residency started, until it was time to pick up the children home. Saturday-Sunday is time with family, “said Indrarini.

Indrarini also hopes that the knowledge that has been obtained will be a blessing and benefit for people and the environment. After graduating, she plans to return to the institution where she works, contribute to develop the knowledge learned, produce research that is useful for science and can make collaborative research with a beloved alma mater.

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