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Muhammad Hilmi Asyrofi, Computer Science Graduate: Hafiz of Quran Recitation and Achievement in the Field of Robotics

Muhammad Hilmi Asyrofi, Computer Science Graduate: Hafiz of Quran Recitation and Achievement in the Field of Robotics

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Muhammad Hilmi Asyrofi, Computer Science student, School of Electrical and Informatics (STEI) class of 2015 will graduate at the implementation of ITB Third Graduation Academic Year 2018/2019 at Sabuga Building, Saturday (07/20/2019) . This graduation feels special for Hilmi because  he, who is a Quran hafidz of some juz, also won cum laude, and succeeded in making various achievements while being a student.

Four years of study at ITB were utilized as well as possible by Hilmi to be active in various activities in order to explore the ability himself. According to him, college is a time to find identity.

One of the fields that he loves is robotics. Therefore, he joined the Robotics Unit of ITB (URO ITB).  “Finally my wish came true, my team and I could make a soccer robot. I also like soccer,” Hilmi said.

Armed with his love for the world of robotics, the robot created by Hilmi and his team won several national-scale robot contests. In 2017, a robot called the Wheeled Soccer Robot became the 4th Regional Champion, then in 2018 managed to become the robot with the best strategy.

In addition, Hilmi has also won a competition held by the Ministry of Agriculture by creating an IoT-based tool with precision farming technology.

Beyond his passion in robotics, Hilmi also likes to deepen religious knowledge. The student who came from Gunungkidul was raised from a boarding school since his school days. During her studies, Hilmi lived in the Al-Falah boarding school. He won achievements at the Koran Olympics Musabaqah Hafdzil Quran branch. Hilmi has memorized 7 juz and several other surahs. He used to memorize the Koran by repeating reading for one hour without interruption.

Hilmi who is also a Young Imam at Salman Mosque had the opportunity to visit Amsterdam, the Netherlands after being chosen to represent Indonesia as Ambassador of the Industrial Revolution 2018. He was one of three Indonesian students who participated in the Artificial Intelligence Expo Europe 2018. He has also been invited to the Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), one of the universities in South Korea.

“I used to balance time based on priorities, if there were tasks that could be postponed then I would do them after studying. If I usually work to finish what I like first, because I’m not a multitasking person, “Hilmi said.

According to Hilmi, all existing problems must be overcome, obstacles or challenges are just our mindset. During his four years of college, Hilmi had many opportunities and opportunities to develop himself, both on and off campus. The student who developed the image processing-based hilal detection system as his final project also said that actually in ITB there was so much that could be taken, depending on how we used it.

Planning ahead, Hilmi wanted to continue her S2 studies at KAIST, and while waiting for acceptance, she would work and develop the start up that he is starting. Hilmi will also focus on studying the Murojaah of the Koran to strengthen the memorization of the Koran. “You don’t need to be a superhero that can be anything, just focus on what you like,” Hilmi said.

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