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Speech of Professor of STEI, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Suhardi, MT., “Contribution of Service Computing Services to Digital Transformation of the Public Service Industry and Service Sector”

Speech of Professor of STEI, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Suhardi, MT., “Contribution of Service Computing Services to Digital Transformation of the Public Service Industry and Service Sector”

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Professor of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering (STEI) ITB Prof.Dr.Ing.Ir. Suhardi MT., Delivered a scientific speech on “Contribution of Service Services to Digital Transformation of the Service Industry and Public Service Sector” in the West Hall of ITB Campus, Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, Saturday, July 13, 2019.

Prof. Suhardi explained that computational science (computing) is a science that is as old as the presence of arithmetic tools. This science then developed again in the direction of specialization, namely monodisciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. At the speech, Prof. Suhardi explained about monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary relating to his research.

He explained, monodisciplinary is a way of looking at a science that focuses on an academic discipline to solve a particular problem. While interdiscipline is a perspective that involves the transfer of an academic discipline into another academic discipline to solve a problem, so as to bring up new methods or new academic disciplines. Examples are social computing, computational medicine, behavioral computing, cognitive computing, and service computing.

“The above challenges provide opportunities for service computing to address digital transformation issues that are (currently) occurring in the service industry sector and the public service sector, “Said the Professor in the Information Technology Research Group.

Prof. Suhardi explained that service computing would contribute both macro and micro to the digital service industry sector. Macro, service computing can provide a system platform to accelerate the digital transformation process of the service industry sector. For example, in the financial services sector a platform that can be used in the macro-scale of computing services provides software services and service systems for companies using a service computing system platform that is specific to a particular sector or sub-sector; multidisciplinary simultaneously.

The contribution of service computing to the digital transformation of the service industry and public service sectors is to provide a service engineering system platform engineering methodology to build software services and service systems as needed.

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