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Team Silir Successfully Develop a Digital Spirometer Respiratory Detection Aid Kit

Team Silir Successfully Develop a Digital Spirometer Respiratory Detection Aid Kit

In general, measuring the volume of air entering the lungs and to be able to help detect the presence of respiratory diseases such as spirometer, only produce manual data that can not be accessed online. However, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) student who incorporated in the Silir Team successfully developed a digital spirometer, where the data produced can be accessed anywhere, both by patients and doctors, especially through an application on a smartphone.

One member of the Erya Warandita team said that some of the limitations of the spirometer are currently only owned by certain urban clinics or hospitals, the price is quite expensive, the conventional medical records where the doctor defects the measurements and stored as archives. Innovation in this case is done by his team.

“Current spirometers use the sensor generator method, whereas we make a digital spirometer using Pressure Sensors. With this sensor the measurement accuracy can be improved,” he said.

Not only innovating from the application of methods on the tool alone, this team also made innovations in the stage of data mobility. Generally the spirometers still have to be written manually by medical personnel, but Silir Team makes a digital spirometer that utilizes digital technology with online database features, so all measurement data can be transferred via smartphone, making it more accessible to both physicians and patients.

“This is very useful for medical personnel who are in remote areas. So the results of a patient can be accessed easily, “he said.

Other members, Nurhadini explained that the tool has been tested on about 60 students (30 men and 30 women). The results obtained from the use of a digital spirometer are even closer to the results when using a common spirometer.

He mentioned that this tool is a tool of medical aid in detecting the possibility of a health problem, his team can not determine the results of a person spirometer but still a doctor who can analyze it.

“This tool is only functioning as a tool provider data only, so a doctor still needs to determine patient health condition. This tool has also been consulted on biomedical experts and doctors as well, “he said.

Silir team consists of Erya Warandita (Electrical Engineering ’15), Paskahlis Anjas Prabowo (Informatics Engineering ’15), Nurhadini Fitri Isnaini (Biology), Beo Nada Rezky (Biology), Ndaru M Yahya (Product Design). This team also successfully won the 1st champion in the Tanoto Student Research Award (TSRA) 2017 held by ITB recently.

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