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Three STEI Students Won First Place in Cyber South East Asian Game 2017

Three STEI Students Won First Place in Cyber South East Asian Game 2017

One more winning for ITB, STEI, and Indonesia. Three STEI students became the first champion in Cyber South East Asia (SEA) Game 2017 held in Bangkok , Thailand on Wednesday (22/11/2017). The Indonesian team consisting of Muhamad Visat Sutarno (Informatics Engineering ITB 2013), Aufar Gilbran (Information Engineering ITB 2013), Jason Jeremy Iman (Information Engineering ITB 2014), and one student from the University of Indonesia (UI) 2012 managed to seize the opportunity to progress to the stage Final Security Contest (SECCON) World Capture The Flag (CTF) to be held in Tokyo, Japan in February 2018.

The Beginning of the Struggle

Their struggle started when Cyber ​​Jawara Indonesia 2017 began. The competition was organized by Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure / Coordination Center (Id-SIRTII / CC) tested its participants with various issues related to defense and network security, hacking, cryptography, system penetration, forensic analysis, and others. Only the winner of Cyber ​​Jawara Indonesia 2017 is honored to represent Indonesia in Cyber ​​SEA Game 2017.

After the preliminary round of 172 teams from all over Indonesia, only 18 teams can participate in the final round. Some of them are winners of national-level cyber competition at the national level. On Tuesday through Thursday (26-28 / 09/17) in Bali, JAV team consisting of Jason, Aufar and Visat succeeded in getting rid of the other 17 teams, and was ranked first Cyber ​​Jawara Indonesia 2017, also honored to represent Indonesia in level of Southeast Asia, namely in Cyber ​​SEA Game 2017.

Not the End of the Struggle

Although already hold the title of first champion Cyber ​​Jawara Indonesia 2017, JAV team did not quickly satisfied or stop trying either. Both Visat, Aufar, and Jason often work on practice questions online or offline together. They also follow other online and offline competition as a means of learning and stepping stone. In addition, they also held discussions and planning to prepare their team to follow Cyber ​​SEA Game 2017.

Carving Works

Starting from a personal interest in the field of cyber, until finally working in the form of victory. Jason said, “Working is not always about competition or something that is immediately visible. Work can be done by pursue a field that we like and work it in earnest until it is fruitful. Do not be afraid to start or give up, because the more often we work on it, slowly but surely our abilities will also increase. ”

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