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Ready for Disaster Preparedness, ITB Simulated Fire Evacuation Safety Drill at Labtek V

Ready for Disaster Preparedness, ITB Simulated Fire Evacuation Safety Drill at Labtek V

Ready for Disaster Preparedness, ITB Simulated Fire Evacuation Safety Drill at Labtek V

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Fire is one of the most common types of man-made disasters in Indonesia. It mostly caused by minor negligence such as ignored cigarette wastes, the use of electric current that exceeds the capacity causing electrical short circuit, not careful in the use of dangerous chemicals flammable, etc..

Truthfully, Fire is a human accident that should be prevented and tackled easily. Responding to this, ITB held a fire evacuation simulation activity focused on Labtek V, ITB on Monday (23/10/17), at 13.30 WIB, which was attended by all academic community and ITB guest who were in Labtek V area.

At 13.32 WIB, the fire evacuation simulation started with the sound of sirens. Fire simulations were carried out by burning the remaining papers to form a fire, according to Septian, the security guards of Labtek V and GKU Barat.

The fire is extinguished using auto water spray that specifically targets the fire source. In addition, officers K3L Labtek V area also uses a light fire extinguishers (APAR) type AFF Foam to simulate smoke as well as practice in using APAR.

Two minutes after the trigger siren sounded, the simulated participants began to leave the Labtek V area regularly and rushed to assemble at the nearest assembly point, located south of Labtek V and West CC. There, the K3L officer of Labtek V Building gave direction on evacuation sustainability. In the simulation this time, participants were informed that the day was a fire disaster simulation.

Our source stated that recently disaster simulations are often held in ITB. Not only in Labtek V area, but also in other ITB areas. “Alternately every building,” he explained. In addition, our source also said that there is no schedule in disaster simulation.

The simulation was finished at 13.50 WIB and the activity continued as usual.

The purpose of the simulation of this disaster is to anticipate in case of fire in ITB. Hopefully, the academic community and ITB guests would become more responsive in safety.

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