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Digital Economy Will Bring Significant Changes in Indonesia

Digital Economy Will Bring Significant Changes in Indonesia

The government believes that the digital economy will change two things, namely the transition from goods to services, as well as changes in services.

“Indonesia’s economy is very bright. Speaking of the digital economy, what will happen is shifting from goods to services, and services will change a lot, “said Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara, last week.

According to him, the banking sector is included in three critical sectors that are being prepared road maps. “The government has prepared road maps for three critical sectors, namely banking, transportation, and energy and mineral resources sectors,” he said.

“We are together with regulators and principals in determining the safety standards not to be made individually. Banking finance has standards that refer to international standards, the core standards must be the same, there are small adjustments. The bank is clearing, so it can not use different standards, “said Rudiantara.
He said the government focused on security and infrastructure issues. With Indonesia’s financial inclusion target of 2019 of 75%, its infrastructure must be close to 100% first, so there is no reason for financial inclusion only set at 75%.

“What is being done is building infrastructure, 4G digeber continue, Palapa Ring 2019 completed so that no capital / district that does not have broadband access. West Packet Palapa Ring finishes the end of I-quarter 2018. Then followed the East Ring Palapa, “he concluded.

While BCA Director, Suwignyo Budiman, said that BCA has started engagement with startups through the company’s grandson with the concept of venture capital of PT Central Capital Ventura (CCV). “There are many startups that are interested but we are still discussing continuously so that startup can go forward and can help the banking sector,” he said.

The digital economy business has an impact on changing the banking business process. This is acknowledged by Suwignyo by describing significant changes for example 10 years ago most people still come to the bank, but nowadays out of a total of about 18 million BCA transactions per day that occur in branch offices is only 3%. 97% occurred outside branch offices through ATMs, EDC machines and internet banking.

“The function of banks is getting bigger. Our customers are growing every year. Five years ago, BCA had only 8 million customers, now more than 14 million customers. Needs more and more, so we need a lot of human resources. Indeed business process changed, branch office functions also changed with more consultation. For daily routine transactions move to digital, “said Suwignyo. (Wn)

via Indotelko

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