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Singapore IT companies Hunting for Recruiting Students from ITB for Indonesia Operations

Singapore IT companies Hunting for Recruiting Students from ITB for Indonesia Operations

Singapore IT companies Hunting for Recruiting Students from ITB for Indonesia Operations

Digitalisation and the vast availability of internet has changed the business world becomes increasingly connected where the flow of information, capital, and the transaction has been pushing the boundaries of the country. In this regard, the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB (STEI ITB) in collaboration with the International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore) Global Talent Network held a Career Day on Friday, February 26, 2016 in Labtek VI ITB 9311 Lounge from 09:00 to 14 : 00 pm.

singapore-career-day-di-itb_20160227_005247Dean STEI ITB, Dr. Ir Jaka Sembiring M.Eng warmly welcomed this cooperation. In his opening remarks, he said he was proud that the quality of graduates of ITB can always be recognized globally. Mr. Ivan Tan, Southeast Asia Group Director of IE Singapore said that ITB is an established university and would offer a potential pool of talent for Singapore companies with existing business operations in Indonesia

Some of Singapore companies invited to give a presentation related business trends and career opportunities in the world of information technology, including present Corous360, Coursepad, Ecquaria, Quantiq International, SCI Ecommerce and Shopback. The students who attended the presentation were enthusiastic and asked some interesting questions.

At the end of the event, students had the opportunity of hiring a team of direct discussions with the company while enjoying the meals. The company also is willing to immediately accept the Curriculum Vitae of students who are ready to apply.


Sumber Foto : http://www.tribunnews.com/images/regional/view/1640007/singapore-career-day-di-itb#img

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