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Call for Proposal: IEEE SSCS Electronics Design Contest

Call for Proposal: IEEE SSCS Electronics Design Contest

IEEE SSCS Electronics Design Contest
Unleash Your Potential in Electronics Design

IEEE SSCS Indonesia Chapter collaborating with the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI), Institut Teknologi Bandung proudly presents 1st Indonesia IEEE SSCS Electronics Design Contest. This contest challenges students’ creativity and innovation for designing electronics based systems.

We invite all undergraduate students from Indonesian universities to submit their best design proposal in one of two following categories/topics:

  1. VLSI (Topic: Modular Multiplication for RSA 2048 bit)
  2. Embedded System (Topic: LED Lighting Control System Using Android Device)

* Free to use any development board for implementation

The main event and grand final will be held on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at Aula Timur ITB.

Submission deadline: November 10, 2014

Download Important Files:

  1. Category 1: VLSI (Modular Multiplication for Cryptographic Algorithm RSA 2048 bit)
  2. Category 2: Embedded System (LED Lighting Control System Using Android Device)
  3. Proposal Template
  4. Poster IEEE EDC 2014

For further information:

Email: contact@ieee-sscsindonesia.org
FB: www.facebook.com/sscs.indonesia
Website: www.ieee-edc.stei.itb.ac.id