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Study and Scholarship Program at Osaka University, Japan

Study and Scholarship Program at Osaka University, Japan

STEI ITB in collaboration with Microelectronics Center will hold a seminar “Graduate Study and Scholarship Program at Osaka University, Japan” on:

Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Venue: Meeting Room STEI ITB, Achmad Bakrie Building (Labtek 8) 2nd Floor
Time: 10.00-12.00 WIB
Topic: “Study in English at Osaka University through CAREN program”

CAREN stands for “Center for the Advancement of Research and Education Exchange Networks in Asia”. It was established in April 2014 with the goal of enhancing the international appeal of our campuses and facilities at Osaka University. CAREN aims to channel many of the internationalization efforts at Osaka University. Thus, CAREN currently oversees several of the most important international programs available at Osaka University. Among them is the English-only program at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST). This IST program aims to further the internationalization the education and research at our school. State-of-the-art learning and research facilities for many subjects and fields are available in the seven departments at IST. The presentation will introduce these departments along with courses offered as well as the latest research pursued. The admissions requirements will be described and the the application process will be detailed. Scholarship resources will be identified. Finally, the available support system for the students’ daily life will be introduced. It is hoped that the provided information will entice students to pursue graduate studies in an international atmosphere at IST, Osaka University, Japan.

This event is free and open for public. Anyone interested in joining this lecture, feel free to register by filling out the following form in this url:
