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Cyber Sec. Trend & Technology in Military & Finance

Cyber Sec. Trend & Technology in Military & Finance

Cyber Security Trend & Technology in Military & Finance“. Indonesia tries to accelerate the national economic development by increasing investment in the ICT sector since ICT has proved positively contribute to the economic growth in every country. A rapid development in the ICT sector gives a Indonesia. Through the project of “The Enhancement of Cyber Security Capability of the capability to cope with those threats that come from cyberspace.

ITB-Korea Cyber Security Seminar (CYSE) 2014 is a part of the milestone of the capability, this is one of the venue to increase the cyber security awareness and capability in Indonesia. The seminar will focusing on the military cyber security and ICT security in financial sector and together with Korea experts we expect to present an active and insightful discussion. Here with, we would like to invite you to be a part of the event and participate in succeeding The ITB-Kora Cyber Security Seminar 2014

CYSE 2014
Cyber Security Trend and Technology in
Military and Finance
25-26 June 2014
ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R&D Center
ITB Campus Jatinangor


Topic : Cyber Security Trend and Technology in Military and Finance
Date : Wednesday & Thursday, 25-26 June 2014
Place : ITB-KOREA Cyber Security R&D Center,
ITB Campus Jatinangor
Time : Day 1: 10:00 – 15.00
Day 2: 09.00 – 16.00
Agenda Day 1 : – Hacking Demonstration
– ITB-Korea CSC Product & Development Presentation
Day 2 : – Cyber Security Seminar on Military and Finance
– Mini exhibition
– ITB-Korea CSC Program Presentation

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