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Kuliah Tamu : Dinh Ha Duy Thuy, M.D., Ph.D dari Kyoto University Japan

Kuliah Tamu : Dinh Ha Duy Thuy, M.D., Ph.D dari Kyoto University Japan


Pada hari Rabu tanggal 30 April 2014 bertempat di Ruang Multimedia Lantai 3 Labtek 8 Gedung Achmad Bakrie Kelompok Keilmuan Teknik Biomedika Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika telah menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu dari Dinh Ha Duy Thuy, M.D., Ph.D dari Kyoto University Japan. Sebelum kuliah tamu dimulai, terlebih dahulu pembukaan kuliah tamu dan perkenalan oleh Staf Dosen Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika yaitu Dr. Agung W. Setiawan, S.T., M.T.

Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kuliah tamu Dinh Ha Duy Thuy, M.D., Ph.D. Berikut isi ringkas paparan yang disampaikan dalam kuliah tamu tersebut:

Training program of Leaders for Integrated Medical System for Fruitful Healthy-Longevity Society

Our program is medico-engineering collaborative training program with the following


  1. to provide a human resource of doctoral (Ph.D.) engineers with a good background in medical sciences
  2. to foster high – quality engineers to become leaders in the field of human heath care industry.

Over the five-year duration of this doctoral course, students with non – medical background (engineers) will be trained practical skills in engineering and medical sciences, especially in health care support and therapy for the elderly. This education will furnish students with high level of specialized knowledge to work effectively in the research field, respond to the challenges of social needs on resolving problems of unprecedented aging society, and develop medical innovation that support a fruitful -healthy longevity society for all of us.

This education also includes practical component such as English debate skills, how to collaborate with international organizations, and internships.


Resize of IMG_7677

Eligibility requirements

Applicants have to take and pass the entrance examination for master’s course

Of Kyoto University at one of the following graduate schools : Graduate School of Medicine (Medical  Science major, Human Health Science Major), Graduate School of Engineering,

and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

It is not required that the applicants must be graduates from Kyoto

University or any of the indicated departments

Enrollment capacity: 20 scholarship students/ year

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