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SEEI Students Team get Research Funds

SEEI Students Team get Research Funds

Four teams from Electrical Engineering students of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics get research funds from Education Ministry through Students Creativity Program (SCP) 2009. This program gives each team that consist of students from a same university funds to do their research.

Four teams which get funds are:

  1. Zahara Yulianti, et al. Their research is Smart Room System for Building Security with Long Distance Control System Using Simple Technology and Economic. She gets Rp 5.125.000,- for her research. Their advisor lecturer is Hamonangan Situmorang.
  2. Zulkarnaen, et al. Their research is Queue Displayer and Caller to Develop Indonesian Industry Based on Electronics. His team gets Rp 6.000.000,- for their research. Their advisor lecturer is Agung harsoyo.
  3. Taufik Rosal Sukma, et al. They develop Micro-Hydro Power Plant for Cloistered Village. He gets Rp 6.000.000,- for his research. Their advisor lecturer is Nanang Haryanto.
  4. Novi A, et al. Their research is Utilization of Automatic Shutdown Controller to Reduce Electrical Energy Wasting. They get Rp 5.550.000,- for their research. Their advisor lecturer is Kuspriyanto.

To get this fund, each team sent their application form to Education Ministry. After that, the committee of SCP will select some of best proposals to be funded. The announcement will be sent to their university. In May, each team must submit their progress report to the committee.

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